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Everything posted by AcE

  1. AcE


    What a load of shit. And yes, your sig is way to big, please make it smaller.
  2. AcE


    Local bans are stored in the main directory on the server in a file called ban.txt, tell the admin to look in that file for your GUID.
  3. Not all cheats/hacks are detected by PB or our MCI checks.. As RW said.
  4. AcE


    Actually registered at what it should be for once, normally it registers at 0.5.
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=60529
  6. AcE

    30 min ban

    Check the date before you reply, this is well very much a dead thread.
  7. No action will we taken by us unless he's caught cheating on a streaming server via PBSS, MD5 Scan or Direct PB violation.
  8. Up to EA to fix their bugged game/s.
  9. Evenbalance's Statement on black pbss
  10. I just pissed off Duality even more by telling him that 2 X-Eastenders cast done 2 of the main voice overs in CoD4 :lol:
  11. Yeah!. Don't bump old threads for no reason.
  12. You need to take it up with GGC - http://www.ggc-stream.com/
  13. Clearly you cannot read or spell properly for that matter & I will not be repeating myself.
  14. This is one that will go round & round, we're all wrong so I guess we should get over it :lol:
  15. You can't see the gun because he's playing at a high resolution.
  16. OK I found and listened to the recording... The guy speaking to you has no clue what he's talking about, it's a Mulithack :lol: He should not be taking PBSS and banning people when he's no fucking idea what he's looking at, excuse my french.
  17. I don't normally comment on the edited shots, but the screen-shot is clean. Find another clan.
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