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Everything posted by AcE

  1. - doesn't stream to PBBans, as for other AC sites, I don't know.
  2. Not exactly pinning material.
  3. http://farewell.filefront.com/ :(
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?act...;f=427&id=2
  5. If the demo was recorded on a server that streams it's logs here then send it to the admin of the server and get them to submit it. If the demo was recorded on a server that wasn't streaming then there's nothing you can do with it.
  6. We (PBBans) don't handle PBSS & demo submissions by Email... Who asked you to send an Email ?
  7. Not heard of any hack that does that myself.
  8. That GUID is already on the PBBans MBI clickme. You should also know that PBBans wont ban unless the server is streaming it's logs here. Have a read http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html
  9. Nobody said you were stupid, so calm down. Send the demo/s to the SGA of that server http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=122152
  10. We're not going down this road again.
  11. AcE


    vstr = variable string, used in advanced bind & scripts.
  12. Good job reviving a dead thread.
  13. Don't be surprised if it's not totally gone. If you do online banking and things like that then as I advised above.
  14. My mum had that malware, Includes a key logger so be careful. I would advise a total reformat to get rid of it.
  15. If you don't like our system then you can always stream else where.
  16. What's your new GUID ?.. You'll need to put your new key back in to find the following out. Go into game, drop the console and type /pb_myguid (press enter) Now type /condump GUID (press enter) Exit out of the game, In the base/mp folder will be a file GUID.txt, open that and copy paste the contents here or pm me it if you don't wan't it public.
  17. As the GUID is banned on the new key then yes, It's useless, blame Activision for that. Your old GUID/Key 3d1842c59d5d74f0de6529141492f704 (first seen - Jul 24, 2006 / last seen - Jan 28, 2009) is not on the PBBans, Punksbusted or Game-violations banlist nor is it global banned by EvenBalance, so... Would suggest the Admin of that server has banned you.
  18. I am a.. Masturbating pinup model who loves to lick giants tits. 3/4 lol.
  19. Kicked for what... What's the exact kick message ?
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