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Everything posted by AcE

  1. Funny how he bought his pc on ebay but then in his ticket he says he bought it from a friend who actually got the ban :rolleyes:
  2. AcE


    Thread is 2months old :rolleyes:
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8500
  4. Yeah but apparently the md5 tool doesnt like that.
  5. Maps.pk3 is a stock file, The reason you were 1st kicked for it is because it had became corrupted or had changed in some way bad install possibly. The 2nd time because you deleted it. In order to fix it back up your cfg's, maps, mods etc, Uninstall manually remove the sof2 folder left over ( c:\ programfiles...) make sure your discs are scratch free & clan and reinstall.
  6. Suddenly, Bottom line is you're fighting a losing battle. You can drag all kinds of legal matters into this as you like but you wont win. As stated so many times before Hardware bans will NOT be lifted end of. When you installed the game/patches you agreed to the license as it's part of the install process. Face it.. .
  7. Admins can do whatever they like on their own servers. If they do cheat on public PB servers then it's only a matter of time before they get themselves added to the MBI or another list.
  8. Eventhough the demo is in 3rd person (next time record in 1st press your 'use' key) yeah it's an obvious aimbot, Ban him from your server. Also you should seriously think about setting up your server to stream here.
  9. Yeah i see what you mean and yeah it's a glitch because it even happens to me when i lag or when my pc decides to have an epoleptic fit on me.
  10. What are you trying to accomplish >?
  11. rcon pb_sv_banempty (empties the current banlist) rcon pb_sv_baload (Loads a PB Ban List from the specified file, if no filename specified, then pbbans.dat is loaded) After doing them do your pb_sv_banlist Punkbuster commands and settings Now your streaming dont forget use the private forums not the public. ;)
  12. Ok we dont need a flame war, Wait for the appeal, End of story.
  13. Because we dont just remove people willy nilly. He will have to go through the ban appeal process like everyone else, Tell your friend to go here and fill in the required info. Appeals are reviwed by the staff and will take no longer than a week sometimes less.
  14. I see you've updated your profile cool. Wait untill an admin upgrades your account & i or somone else will give you the required links and info.
  15. Yes that's a hack but the screenies wont be added to the MBI unless your server is streaming to pbbans. I see in your profile you dont want to stream, May i ask why ?.
  16. Use them PM system for that DONT post it on the public forum ;)
  17. Good, For future reference always post the original .png :)
  18. It will only be added if your server is streaming. I see you've only just registered and want to stream so wait for a PM from an admin and they'll help you get set for streaming :)
  19. Very nice indeed, Here have a gold star lol. Seriously good posting :).
  20. That was fantastic, My sides are still aching. Very well put together.
  21. Because they dont want emails about bans, Hense no contact info. If your just banned on 1 server then if i were you i'd just forget about that server and go to another one.
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