yea any cheats or info U find Send to the right people, even if u are honestly trying them out so u know wut to look for and to stop them, u will get banned amnd labled a cheater, w/e u get send to the EB people and they will handle it how its suppost to be handle
I wouldnt believe the guy that got busted when he says he works for EB- no matter how koo and how long u knew his team mate or buddy
If EB let people test and use the hacks on public servers such as saying, So N So go ahead use the cheat let us know- How many people would end up using the Line "EB said I could"
they dont- they test it but Any info anyone ever finds needs to be sent to EB asap- Dont take it in your own hands b/c u will get in trouble no matter if u are trying to help or not