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wth last won the day on September 29 2020

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About wth

  • Birthday 01/11/1969

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    Cod,Cod Uo and cod 2,Cod 4 and cod waw ,BF2.
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  1. wth


    Wow very sad to hear this.My condolences go out to the family.
  2. Its a good card for the price Taz.Have had no issues with my EVGA GTX 550 ti fpb card.
  3. Will be looking forward to this one.Think the first one has been one of the best game's I've really enjoyed in a long time.
  4. +1 Pretty much covers it for me.Did enjoy the beta but Seems they did more damage with the patches than they did good.
  5. Nice work.Really looks great.
  6. Picked it up yesterday and really enjoying single player so far but agree with Maydax that its not worth $60.Not tried mp yet so can't comment on it.
  7. Looks like a local ban from that server.You need to get in contact with the clan running that server to get it lifted.
  8. +1 on lowpinggameserver's.
  9. +1 give Live and low ping game server's a shot.We've had 2 BC2 server's up and running and have had no problems what so ever with them.
  10. The repeat ss's is a know issues so wouldn't worry about it.
  11. Same here Road.Didn't buy it and not going to.
  12. Glad to have ya back and good job guys on getting everything back up and running so fast.
  13. The missing part of the crosshair happens on sample rate 2 screenshots.Nothing to worry about.
  14. Check that info and its coming back to a #89183: Violation (GAMEHACK) and that does come back to a valid Psb ban. Will add the ban id for that is V01A74E6A in case you want to appeal.
  15. wth

    welcome msg.

    No sure don't sorry
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