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Everything posted by JerseyDevil

  1. who are you talking about? You said "their website"?
  2. try this http://www.pbbans.com/forums/moh-streaming-issues-t131275.html
  3. Me to I never did like strike at Karkland. :angry:
  4. This guy is allover the place. He goes back as far as 2009 bitching to different clans about people cheating,hacking. Some of it is very entertaining. :crazy:
  5. have you tryed updating your drivers? That might help to.
  6. For this error d3dx9_37.dll not found.. go here http://callofduty5.tv/?p=471 this helped me
  7. I didnt like it, the game play was ok. the grafix i thought were very bad comparing it to cod4. I like driving the tank tho. I hope the grafix are better with the release.
  8. i dont believe you will be banned here for it, we have seen lots of those shots. looks like you got the latest drivers for your card. Mine does it once in a great while if my card is heating up. I run a Geforce 7900 gs.
  9. thanks flatliner i found it, it was in my startup line change it and it works now. I did leave a post over at acemod about redirects tho.
  10. ok i guess i will send in a ticket to the host and see what happens.
  11. anybody run this. i cant get the server to update. i keep getting server running old version. When i go back to the regular mod it works fine. When i put in the Acemod i cant get it to update. Do i have to make a new pbfolder and put it into the acemod folder to read it?
  12. The Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare patch 1.7 has been released already! It addresses some pretty important issues: Fixed an exploit that allowed players to access certain console dvars during multi-player matches. Fixed a crash that could occur when a Chinatown Sabotage match would go into over-time. Fixed a bug where the MP icons (Bomb, Defend, Capture, etc) were always showing up as English regardless of the install language. Important: this patch is incremental. That means it requires patch 1.6 for those of you upgrading from a fresh install. http://www.codhq.com/
  13. shure, good luck
  14. ive been trying to figure that out for years man. Try diffrent game types, seems like a lot of people enjoy the new maps. maybe try to do a custom maps server see if that draws them
  15. to set up battlerecorder--- http://planetbattlefield.gamespy.com/View....d=78&game=3 you can also use fraps--- http://www.fraps.com/
  16. when you put in a new key it gives you a guid. so yes thats all you have to do
  17. i use we stream to pbbans if you cheat you will be cought. sometimes i think i should take it off to catch them but like rock n roll said if it keeps them out good. But then again we should try and get them.
  18. when you get a server to stream you get streaming game admin. how long it takes dependes how long it takes you to set your server up. this server your talking about is this a sof2 server or bf2 server? these "rulebreakers" you are talking about are they using cheats or breaking server rules? As far as bf2 if its a knife only server you can turn it into EA games, for knife only server are not allowed.
  19. I dont think you need a clan just the server with rcon
  20. This is what i do everytime i cant get mine to show up.
  21. go to multiplayer as as you where going to choose a server. look at the internet filters left hand side make shure punk buster box is checked
  22. I used the HLSW program you can get it here HLSW use the pb_sv_ commands fozzer posted. There is a tut in the downloads section on how to stream your server it shows how to use the HLSW tool. That was the easest way i got mine to stream. like fozzer said if that dont work sent in a ticket to your game provider
  23. I havent had any problems with my servers crashing with Streaming with pbbans. Try talking to your servers provider and see if they have problems with there boxes.
  24. i wouldnt run a server without pb, Your just asking for trouble.
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