maydax i did it that way followed the tut and i get this>>>>>>>>>
18:32:21 pb_sv_writecfg pbucone.use
18:32:22 ^3PunkBuster Server: Config File written to C:\UserFiles\1187\GameServers\TC83637283088251564407848\pb\pbucone.use
18:32:59 pb_sv_restart
18:36:38 pb_sv_USessionLimit 2
18:36:38 ^3PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_USessionLimit = 2 (0 to 16)
18:39:32 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbhub pbhub
18:39:32 ^3PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Cannot be configured without presence of 'pbucon.use' file in 'pb' homepath
18:41:54 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbhub pbhub
18:41:54 ^3PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Cannot be configured without presence of 'pbucon.use' file in 'pb' homepath
18:43:04 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbhub pbhub
18:43:05 ^3PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Cannot be configured without presence of 'pbucon.use' file in 'pb' homepath
18:52:40 pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver
18:52:41 ^3PunkBuster Server: PB Scheduled Task Added: 0 7200 pb_sv_ver
18:53:34 pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1
18:53:35 ^3PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1)
18:54:04 pb_sv_writecfg
18:54:04 ^3PunkBuster Server: Config File written to C:\UserFiles\1187\GameServers\TC83637283088251564407848\pb\pbsv.cfg
18:55:11 pb_sv_uconlist
18:55:11 ^3PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]
^3PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (0 Entries)
18:56:14 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub
18:56:14 ^3PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Cannot be configured without presence of 'pbucon.use' file in 'pb' homepath
19:01:31 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub<TAB>
19:01:32 0 commands
18:43:05 ^3PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Cannot be configured without presence of 'pbucon.use' file in 'pb' homepath>>>> this is what i cannot figure out