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Everything posted by irn

  1. Hub Game ET Clan {TibeT} Hub Game ET Clan {TibeT} Hub Game ET Clan {TibeT} Hub Game ET Clan {TibeT} Hub Game ET Clan {TibeT} thanks
  2. I dont really know whats going on here ,clash of personalitys? ~>GFP<~Murderur Helped me set up our server to stream here .It took us quite a while on Teamspeak and MSN but im greatful he took the time to talk me through it
  3. Wouldnt be the first time you have downloaded a hack though would it
  4. I know this might sounds a little crazy but have you tried jaymods web site ?or the read me included with jaymod ?.Best option is www.google.com
  5. irn


    I think I know the server they run ET Pub with Omni-bot .You might want to check the logs and see who was changing them names ...it maybe one of you own guys playing a joke
  6. irn


    What MOd are you running? .Are you sure it isnt someone with admin chaning the name with shrubbot commands ? or have you accidently given people power to do this ? PB_SV_PLIST will give you the connected players info PS gwet your buddy to steam his server here if you want to catch cheats .PB is a great toll but streaming to pbbans will catch all the latest cheats
  7. What version of ET are you running ? If you havent already I would urge you to upgrade to 2.60b this is probably how they got your rcon PW There is some info here about it Click here
  8. I would say 99% of online gamers wouldnt want to share a server with a convited cheat simple as that
  9. What Mod are you running ?
  10. Will this solve the disabled kicking ?
  11. Oh no not the old "it was my brother" :D
  12. Ok thats Etpub running Whaleclient .That server is running without XP save but you can adjust that in the server cfg for 24 hrs If you want me to do you a server Cfg with all that in pm on our msg board (http://tibetclan.proboards22.com/).Then hopefully we can get you streaming to pbbans :D
  13. Join this server and tell me if its this you are looking for TibeT Shrine
  14. Do you want somebody to help you with a pbbans stream or to set a server up for you ?
  15. Not sure why you want scrrenshots he has been caught red handed 4 time ....and lucky noit to get a HW ban for the PB hack
  16. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/et....htm#violations :D
  17. irn


    I think a speed hack in ET is somethign to do with weapon change speed might be wrong though
  18. copy and paste into your pb_sv_cvar file on your server
  19. thanks
  20. I saw this while looking looking through our logs anyone know what it is ? [04.14.2006 10:28:07] [From #13 5c17(VALID:41)*********************bot_enable = "1"
  21. I think the most important part you wrote was this "A cheater that has been caught on steraming PB enableed server" ...he was caught and removed from the server :) We dont sit back a say "we all dooooomed" we get off our butts and do something .We share info ips ,guids etc we name and shame .For everyone 1 person thats gets past (for a limited time ) a global hardware ban there are a 100 that dont ..think about that :)
  22. irn


    hackers always say that or another favourite is "i wouldnt even know how to cheat " We had a guy who clamied it couldnt have been him as he was oputside letting off fireworks at the time he was busted :mellow:
  23. Yup i would agree with that .It might scare away some of the l33t downloaders
  24. irn

    panzer hack ?

    lol yeah not a great name thanks fox
  25. I was looking through a log yesterday and i saw this 01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] g_bluelimbotime = "20000" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] g_redlimbotime = "30000" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] cg_etVersion = "ET Pro, ET 2.60" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] cg_uinfo = "109 0 60 1" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] b_speedunit = "2" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] b_drawspeed = "3" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] b_panzerhack = "0" [01.09.2006 17:06:51] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] b_chatsounds = "1" [01.09.2006 17:06:52] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] sv_pakNames = "etpro/z_realistic_muzzleflash etpro/watermark-tibet etpro/TibeT_Sounds etpro/tibetskins etpro/TibeTPro3 etpro/TibeTeffects etpro/tibetboards etpro/theriver2redux_ETPRO etpro/rochelle_ETPRO_ONLY etpro/mp_theriver_2nd_etprocmshader etpro/etpro-3_2_4 etpro/d" [01.09.2006 17:06:52] [From #13 2e7d(?) ^2Wujko_T^4^3H^1C] sv_paks = "1586498531 -637343542 Anyone know what it is ? might be inocent but it sounds dodgy bte there were a few diffrent people with it on the log
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