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Everything posted by Overkill
Hey guys... Im seing a lot of ppl getting kicked for the r_subdivisions being to high again... IMO, its cheating... at 80 (what most get kiked for) the corneres are rounded so much u can see people while leaning around a corner but they cant see you at all, why not just use invisable skins? same effect... lol and at about 200 it gives a wallhack affect if you lean into a wall you can see through a lot of the map and see where people are... there seems to be a config goin around... 2 ppl i know now have had it and not known untill PB bans them for it... some may argue against me saying its just a setting like crosshair size but then u might as well say texturehacks and wallhacks are just a setting as well, similar effects allowing u to see the other players befor they see u... sounds unfair to me lol... thats my 2 cents, wut u guys think? P.S. oii is no longer up but im in BoS again as a co-serveradmin, i will be seting it up to steam as soon as i pass it by the founder. :)
If the email doesent work let me know mack :) I used to be a part of bos (one of the co-founders) and i know the current andministration very well... if they hear it come from me they will know its true lol... They know iI wouldnt lie, not saying anyone here would but sometimes emails can seem a little iffy if you dont know who they are comeing from :lol:
Heretic will also be continuing with ROCmod (Death) but he will be releasing it to the public at no charge... he has even come up with an auto updater so no more goin to the site to download it, just run his .exe and it downloads it for you... :mellow: I was hesitant at first but he seams to realy want to continue on with the way rocmod has been... he has already made releases with some bug fixes in them... check it out... Heret!c Mod
:( Good luck and stay safe rodeo!
Tjose room101 and room102 videos are excelenet to get you started, that what i used :)
Yep... the guy specing heat is the one cheating... what an idiot... he told on him self :huh: :lol: not a very good hacker... I had a guy do that once on a custom map called Kam Jordan.... very heavy fog on that map and you can only see about half way... he had no therms on and was killing me across the map i asked him wtf was going on and he said "I have yellow reflective skins" after i stoped laughing at him ratting on him self he go the boot :ban:
Hi alec, I dont think it's PB streaming thats making you lag, i think you may have set something up wrong... I sugest you stream here at PBbans, great bunch of people here... and if you have MSN or even IRC im sure someone here with a little more knowled of setting it up than I have would be more than happy to give you a hand... just wait for a few more replies, someone with the know-how will help you out man... I steam my server here running RocMod and have no problems at all.... prehaps it has something to do wiht the Noble mod you guys are running? I played in one of your servers a few times I belive.... something like T3 speed 24/7 or something and I dont realy notice much differnce in it.... maby switch a server to normal roc and give that a try? Just a sugestion... you never know, sometimes things conflict in weird ways... has happened to me more than once ;) good luck,
Hello maester, You wanna PM ~>GFP<~Murderur he is in charge of the streaming, he will get you all set up with the info you need assuming that COD: uo servers can stream, i would not know, ive never played the game... but he is the one you want to talk to... good luck Click here to PM ~>GFP<~Murderur peace,
Like Tim said, this is a server side ban, perhaps one of there admins is gone bad on them? bannin ppl they dont like? i sugest you contact the servers owner and have them look into it, it probably has nothing to do wiht use here. Its either that or PB did catch somethign wrong and you did get banned, and perhaps you just have not found another streaming server yet... try running your game and typing /PB_MYGUID in the console and search the Master Ban Index (MBI) and see if it comes back clean, if you dont know how just post the number/letter combination here and someone will do it for you. good luck,
Hello cracka, If you want to stream then you will need to contact ~>GFP<~Murderur Click here to pm him and he will get you set up wiht the info you need... depending on your type of access there are a few differnt ways to do it so be sure to tell him if you can access your server via an FTP client to upload maps and such of if you have to use your control pannel to uplod things. and be patient for a reply, he will reply asap, it is xmas eve after all and it does get kinda busy around here... peace,
Streaming servers
Overkill replied to DentalX*Qc*'s topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Proud to say i just set it up to wiht the help of foxdie, thx man... wus supriseingly easy lol... 5 commands and i was done... i suspected more than that lol... :huh: thx again man. peace, -
nope... dont assume htings man :) lol... the only thing i use is the high jump and i have a reason for that lol... when i first got this game i had a sprained finger and could not move fast enough to hit jump then crouch and someone told me to use the highjump so i did, and i got used to it now i play like shit withought it i cant jump for shit lol... i probably could if i realy practiced at it, but im lazy lol... :lol:
like i said, some of them are bad, im talking about the basic ones, like high jump and stuff... i honestly do not see what the big deal is if someone only has to puch one key to do a high jump?? :huh:
Just a few i picked out quick.... :blink: wish all my games were this good lol.... depends on the night lol ummmm... I win?? lol :rolleyes: j/k nice screenies all! shot1 shot2 shot3 shot4 shot5
Ill add my 2 cents here, as i do on every forum i see this topic come up in... i use this same post, wiht a few minor changes on every forum so forgive me if somethign in it has nothgin to do with this topic :rolleyes: lol I agree with this quote, taken from a fellow gamer 100%, what these guys are basically saying is binds are illigal! come on people! if it was eligal, PB would ban for it and the game would not give the specific option of the magic litte ; that allows you to bind more than one thing to one key. if we started to get realy picky here, we could say that having a bind to say somethign is an unfair advantage because we dont have to type, thats basically wut u guys are saying, because some only have to push one key to do a high jump, they can do it faster, they must be cheating.... GROW UP!! ill bet you if you emailed a raven admin, and a PB admin, they would both say "it is allowed within the ranges for the CVARS, therefor it is considered legal, stop whining over a damn bind" and as for the legues banning them... thats their choise, if they wanna get picky because people have realised how to use a ; then all the power to them, but it is not a hack, cheat, whaterver you want to call it, ITS SIMPLY A BIND, i challenge you all when tlaking about other players, have proof, not just copy and past, take a screenshot so we know its legit, and dont bother useing paintshop, you wont get away with it... then, once youve got that down, every time you go to say "script" say "bind" instead and last but not least: --->STOP COMPLAING JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT THE BEST PLAYER IN THE DAMN GAME!!!<--- I hate whiners almost as much as hackers, seriously, there are peole out there useing wallhacks, aimbots and speed hacks, and you guys are here complaining because someone knows where the ; is on the keyboard? and as mentioned here, there is hardware to give the same result. IMO, its no big deal, move on, get over it. your just complaining over nothing... However, i will admit that some "scripts" do go to far, like the few mentioned above such as the connection and speed scripts, thats goin a bit to far wiht it i think... anyway, thats enough for one post... and please people stop worrieing about the guy in the backyard stealin an apple off the tree and worrie about the guy in the front stealing your car!