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About hugin

  • Birthday 01/02/1966

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    Quake Wars
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  1. Left side on the main side you can paste in the ServerIP:Port to check, or use our IRC channels and type in: !stream ServerIP:Port
  2. Dang, need to retrieve my map packs then.
  3. Ban - Upload - Review mmm, Upload - Ban - Review Ugh, Review - Ban - Upload :D
  4. Happy Birthday PBBans, awesome too see a community work and blossom as this one have done in the years from the start. Proud to be a part of this community for sure :)
  5. Call of Duty World at War Map Pack 1 Available Now
  6. Thing is, PB software needs to work for every possible game installed, regardless of witch system they run. As now, they don't, blame PB (EB) or Game Devs, Game Devs could actually do a better effort with EB, they don't in most cases, anyone mentioned CoD:WW and Crysis for starters?
  7. I run XP32 with black screenshots.Same goes for Vista32. Never been either, Server Admins banning locally with little knowledge about black SS, yes, but not here. Well we all sit here and do nothing, that's for sure ;)Again, we do not, or have not 'handled' black SS as evidence at all.
  8. What you want is a mini mod or a 3rd party program, I have mentioned MorkEye as an posible solution. Not sure it will work for this, I have not tried Morkeye myself. I do know 1337 leetgamer.no runs some sort of mod on their server that will kick you if you use the mounted MG etc, try contact them and if they will or can help you out.
  9. O boy... Believe me, I do understand very well, it is the fact that you don't have the basic knowledge on how PB works in the first place ;) You need to to learn how PB works so you can understand what I have already told you, there is no point trying to go deeper into things when you do not understand this. But, then give me an example of what exactly you want to kick player from, its all vague and you are not giving anything concrete at all, and you should really start here: http://www.evenbalance.com/
  10. Use the Search function on a forum is always a thing everyone should do before posting, in any forum when asking questions that might be covered before, this is covered before, and search by mousewheel gives me this:mousewheel
  11. That's not a CVar for the game, it has to be a CVar for that specific game and the values for a CVar you want to kick for, as said through pb_sv_cvar When it comes to .exe files, that will go under MD5 tools scans and requires extended knowledge how to retract hash for that specific .exe in use. Not an expert on that part, so those with more knowledge correct me if I am wrong. But before you ask anything more, you need to get the basic knowledge on how PB software works, trying to yell any more around this will be in vain TBH.
  12. Give me game and what CVar you want to kick for :) If you don't know the CVar, just post what you want to get players kicked for.
  13. You cant make a kick out of pb_sv_bindsrch, that will only log what binds players use, if you want to kick players for certain CVars you have to use pb_sv_cvar You find more info about this at: http://www.evenbalance.com/
  14. To get more access you need to be an Streaming Game Admin. Full access is not for public use.
  15. As for late, our #pbbans channel is busier than ever, with that said we do get a lot of convos going at peek times and many users log on to get help of any kind regarding PBBans. This has get us to the point that some idlers in the channel, SGA's or regular members have more or less 'hijacked' some convos when pbweb users or IRC client users want help, and PBBans Staff or Admins are trying to help them out. This is, all good to the point when you get some user that cant see the differences between helping out and spamming the channel. If an PBBans Staff/ Admin is addressing a user, leave it. If the problem do not get solved, by all means help out, but do know the difference between helping out or not, in other words use common sense and some courtesy. It have at times been that everything you say get commented and make the channel more or less polluted, this will stop, now. I will do this pretty simple, if it don't stop, I will warn one time, then kick, then ban you from the channel and you have to apply on the forums to get in again. But I cant see it will go down that road at all, will it now? ;) So, to summarise it all: Channel users are welcome to help when Staff or Admins are not available and they know the answer to the asked question, or when the question is game-specific and not PB-related. But one should always let PBBans Staff do their job when it comes to PBBans' policies, services, and appeals or ban-related matters. So do help out, do chat, but when a user, pbweb or IRC client do need help, stop spamming and let the channel be what it is supposed to be, a channel where PBBans Staff/ Admins/ SGA's provide help regarding all matters with PBBans, PB Software and other game specific matters. ~hugin
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