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Everything posted by Sandrock
I cant find that cvar anywhere in any of my server or roc cfg's and know for a fact the auto match demo feature works on my servers. I'm gonna paste them here for you to look over... Here's the server cfg..... // This file is automatically executed by SoF2MP.exe sets "Admin" "-=|AKA|=-Sandrock" sets "Admin E-Mail" "[email protected]" sets "URL" "www.akaclan.org" sets "Hours" "24/7" sets "Clan" "-=|AKA|=-" sets ".Configured By" "Sandrock" sets "Hosted By" "Heret!c-Host!ng" seta sv_hostname "^$-=|^,AKA^$|=- ^3SCRIM!!" seta g_motd "^1Welcome to your end" seta g_gametype "ctf" seta rconPassword "" set g_anonymousadmin "1" set g_allowadminghost "1" seta g_needpass "0" seta g_password "" seta sv_maxclients "18" seta sv_privateClients "0" seta sv_privatePassword "" seta sv_minclients "1" seta g_maxGameClients "18" seta g_minGameClients "2" seta g_maxPlayers "18" seta sv_minPing "0" seta sv_maxPing "300" seta sv_minRate "4500" seta sv_maxRate "10000" seta sv_punkbuster "1" seta sv_pure "1" seta sv_allowDownload "1" seta sv_allowAnonymous "0" seta sv_zombietime "5" seta sv_reconnectlimit "3" seta sv_padPackets "0" seta sv_fps "20" seta sv_floodProtect "1" seta sv_timeout "90" seta sv_scannerfile "scanlist.cfg" seta g_timeouttospec "0" seta g_weaponrespawn "0" seta g_backpackRespawn "15" seta g_respawnInvulnerability "4" seta g_respawnInterval "8" seta g_inactivity "600" seta g_warmup "20" seta g_doWarmup "1" seta g_friendlyfire "1" seta g_synchronousclients "0" seta g_adaptrespawn "1" seta g_smoothClients "0" seta g_pickupsdisabled "1" seta g_followEnemy "0" seta g_forceFollow "3" seta g_suddenDeath "1" seta g_gore "0" seta g_suicidePenalty "-1" seta g_noTeamSwitching "0" seta g_teamForceBalance "1" seta g_teamAutoJoin "1" seta g_allowvote "1" seta g_voteDuration "30" seta g_failedVoteDelay "60" seta g_voiceFloodCount "6" seta g_voiceFloodPenalty "60" seta g_failedVoteDelay "1" seta g_voteKickBanTime "2" seta com_SoundMegs "16" seta com_HunkMegs "64" //DO NOT EDIT seta com_zoneMegs "16" //Client Vote Restrictions seta novote_map_restart "0" seta novote_mapcycle "0" seta novote_map "0" seta novote_g_gametype "0" seta novote_kick "0" seta novote_clientkick "0" seta novote_g_doWarmup "1" seta novote_timelimit "1" seta novote_scorelimit "1" seta novote_rmgmap "1" seta novote_referee "1" seta sv_wwwDownload "1" // Master Servers seta sv_master5 "" seta sv_master4 "" seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com" seta sv_master2 "clanservers.net" seta sv_master1 "master.sof2.ravensoft.com" //Logging seta logfile "3" seta g_log "games.log" seta g_logSync "1" seta g_logHits "1" //---------------- //#### THE FOLLOWING KICKS THE SERVER INTO GEAR #### //---------------- seta sv_mapcycle "aka.mapcycle" //mapcycle file mapcycle exec "sof2_roc.cfg" //CFG file to run other rocmod options ...and the roc.cfg set sv_adminfile "admin.cfg" set sv_sysopfile "sysop.cfg" set sv_extracmdsfile "extracmds.cfg" set sv_voicecmdsfile "voicecmds.cfg" set sv_modclient "1" set sv_logo "gfx/blank.png" set sv_weaponMod "ext_data/sof2.wpn" //motd set g_motdEnabled "1" set g_motdDisplayTime "5" set g_motd1 "^7Hosted @ Heret!c-Host!ng.com" set g_motd2 "" set g_motd3 "^$**ATTENTION** Server is RD **ATTENTION**" set g_motd4 "^-Be a good sport, we dont want crybabies" set g_motd5 "^-Excessive ^1Teamkilling ^-will not be tolerated" set g_motd6 "^-Hackers will be ^$burnt to a crisp" set g_motd7 "^$We are running enhanced PB with md5 scans" set g_motd8 "^*Type ^_/sounds in console ^-for a list of sounds" set g_motd9 "^_RocMod ^3Version 2.1c" set g_motd10 "^_/? in console for RocMod Help" //server message set g_messageEnabled "0" set g_messageStart "360" set g_messageInterval "15" set g_message1 "^1Download custom maps at ^7www.sof2files.com" set g_message2 "^3We are currently ^1recruiting ^3good players" set g_message3 "^3Go to ^$www.akaclan.org for more details" set g_message4 "@835 ^3WELCOME to ^$-=|^,AKA^$|=- ^3Rocmod" set g_message5 "" set g_message6 "" set g_message7 "" set g_message8 "" set g_message9 "" set g_message10 "" set g_teamkillnodouble "0" set g_teamkillAutoPenaltyBox "000" set g_teamkillAutoPenaltyBoxTime "00" set g_teamkillWarning "0" set g_teamkillBackfire "0" set g_teamkillVoteKick "0" set g_flagstealAutoPenaltyBox "0" set g_flagstealAutoPenaltyBoxTime "30" set g_flagstealWarning "0" set g_spawnkillAutoPenaltyBox "0" set g_spawnkillAutoPenaltyBoxTime "0" set g_spawnkillWarning "0" set g_spawnkillBackfire "0" set g_voiceCommandsEnabled "1" //admin powers set g_allowTalk "0211" set g_allowChat "0211" set g_allowKick "0211" set g_allowBan "0200" set g_allowCancelVote "0200" set g_allowPassVote "0200" set g_allowWarmup "0200" set g_allowFriendlyFire "0200" set g_allowMute "0200" set g_allowStrike "0200" set g_allowSlap "0200" set g_allowStrip "0200" set g_allowSwitch "0200" set g_allowPenalty "0200" set g_allowGametype "0211" set g_allowMapRestart "0211" set g_allowMapcycle "0200" set g_allowSetMap "0200" set g_allowRMG "0200" set g_allowExtendTime "0211" set g_allowTimelimit "0211" set g_allowScorelimit "0211" set g_allowSwapTeams "0211" set g_allowShuffleTeams "0200" set g_allowEndMap "0211" set g_allowLockTeam "0211" set g_allowSuspendAll "0200" set g_allowVote "0200" set g_allowFry "0200" set g_allowLaunch "0200" set g_allowExplode "0200" set g_allowPlant "0200" set g_allowTelefrag "0200" set g_allowSurrender "0200" set g_allowRespawn "0200" set g_allowBait "0200" set g_allowEvenTeams "0211" set g_allowInvite "0211" set g_allowForceSay "0200" set g_allowSwap "0211" set g_allowClanVsAll "0211" set g_allowPause "0211" set g_allowUnPause "0211" set g_allowPbKick "0200" set g_allowPbBan "0200" set g_allowPbGetSS "0211" set g_allowFreezeMap "0211" set g_allowMatch "0211" set g_allowDummy "0200" set g_allowNoVote "0200" set g_allowRename "0200" set g_allowCvarCheck "0211" set g_allowCfg "0200" set g_allowTag "0200" set g_allowTagVsAll "0200" set g_allowCripple "0200" set g_allowBackfire "0200" set g_allowPassword "1200" set g_allowReset "1200" //Others set g_allowCustomTeams "1" set g_customBlueName "^4BLUE" set g_customBlueShade "0,0,100" set g_customRedName "^$RED" set g_customRedCode "1" set g_customRedShade "100,0,0" set g_disableAdminInPenaltyBox "1" set g_bestStatsMinKills "1" set g_bestStatsTime "10" set g_allowColorNames "1" set g_allowWarmupFriendlyFire "1" set g_realisticSniper "1" set g_realisticShotgun 1" set g_intermissionDelay "15" set g_defaultPenaltyBoxTime "30" set g_teamChangeDeath "0" set g_voiceTalkingGhosts "1" set g_timeRemaining "1" set g_suspendedAdmin "1" set g_inactivitySpectator "0" set g_explosionGore "1" set g_anonymousAdmin "0" set g_killSpree "1" set g_sysopImmuneToAdmin "0" set g_mapcycleSwapTeams "1" set g_mapcycleShuffleTeams "0" set g_verifyClients "1" set g_verifyClientsTime "45" set g_protectClan "1" //file scanning set g_scannerInterval "300" set g_scannerRepeat "3" set g_scannerDefaultAction "3" perhaps try my roc.cfg and see what happens?? Hope I helped!
Soldier of Fortune II Authentication Server Disabled
Sandrock replied to MaydaX's topic in Soldier of Fortune 2
I think the best thing we all can do as a community is hit their customer support with tons of emails, if we can get enough to complain we might get something resolved. Highly doubtful but who knows. One quick question if any PB Staff are reading this, if Activision isnt contracted with Evenbalance will those servers running PB now have to run them without it? I really want my serverlogs, MD5 scans, and cvar checks, and pbss'.... :( -
Punkbuster Client: No Master Query Sent
Sandrock replied to .:BoS:.Gringo's topic in Soldier of Fortune 2
I'm getting this issue also, right at the beginning of every single map. I thought it was a problem with my game since I havent had to do a reinstall in ages. :huh: This topic has me kinda curious about how much longer Activision will have PB running for SoF2.... :blink: -
I must say I totally agree with you Ace on the fact it feels retarded. Also imo it would make those longrange shots alot harder to pull off. Notorious do you really need to see more of the side action thats goin on near you? Back when my old clan was playing league in A.G.L. they had the rules stating everyone must use 100 instead of 80 and I didnt care for it. Nowadays I just rely on my headphones and radar and can usually pinpoint where anyone is either running or getting into a firefight. My 2 cents.... :P :D
In Rocmod you have an option to use matchmode, which is awesome for scrims and whatnot. In your console type /startmatch, and when its over /endmatch. It will autoDemo and take screens at the end, not to mention will keep others from specing and letting the other team know whats goin on.
|Viv|Syndicate, I'm not wanting to make this an all out bash against Meatloaf BUT he has been banned before with a different GUID. When The Bad League started I had to let Velocity know about him so this really shouldn't be any surprise. :huh:
But guys there are players that can lean like theres no tommorrow. I'm one of them. :P Please dont ban me. :D
Thanks for the reply bro, but it's only happened once and since then I've had no issues so I'm gonna leave it be for now. Also I've had to redo soooooooo many of my friends SoF2 I am kinda a conisiour on the subject. lmao But again thanks! :D
I'm talking about the white colored writing that says Cvar_Update.
Yo guys I was just over at Redkilla's -=FUCKU=- server and got this weird boot message. It happened during a map change. I've never seen this before in all the years I've been playing the game and am wondering if its a streaming issue or what.
Thanks Fozzer!! And thanks for your time also Foxdie!
I have a question concerning yawspeed, the last few days I've had players connect and their y.s. is like this: [03.11.2006 15:39:54] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: real (slot #2) Cvar cl_yawspeed = 50.000001. What I'm wondering is if there is anything I should be looking out for with players that do this? Maybe hit 'em with a pbss?
OK, I understand what you've said or are trying to explain to me but what I'm saying is if I stream to this site then Aliasfinder will be running ONLY PsB's Master Ban Index (MBI) since the Pbbans side of things will be covered. :D :P I do appreciate the input though! :lol:
Actually only half of it's thing if PB is keeping all bans out from this site. But I am thinking about streaming it would've been nice to have added *you know who* to the Master Ban Index (MBI). :P
Repeatedly kicked for Unkown GUID
Sandrock replied to .:EvL:.AphroDite's topic in Soldier of Fortune 2
Admin abuse!! :lol: :D -
Thanks man :), we've talked about streaming before but havent for the simple reason I like having Aliasfinder bust them. I combine banlists too. If we ever got the traffic Ninja gets I'd jump right on streaming but we dont get all that much.
Repeatedly kicked for Unkown GUID
Sandrock replied to .:EvL:.AphroDite's topic in Soldier of Fortune 2
LOL, I feel silly now. I even tryed to look and find the right info.....to no avail. :D -
Repeatedly kicked for Unkown GUID
Sandrock replied to .:EvL:.AphroDite's topic in Soldier of Fortune 2
Hi Dite, the thing that comes to mind here is the GUID relax option. To let UNKN GUID's connect you must have pb_sv_guidRelax 7. Default I believe is 4? -
Hi there folks, I'm wanting to know if you guys have a post anywhere that shows the different md5 violation and there values so I can add a few other's we dont have into our pb.cfg. Theres a Nade_Cheat -A.pk3 I seen someone had gotten busted with on the Master Ban Index (MBI) and I know for a fact it's not in my servers pbsvuser.cfg. Any help would be most appreciated.
Thanks Fozzer!! ;) :D
Hey guys I have a clanmember thats having issues with this API error. Can anyone give me some insight on what to tell him about fixing it? Mucho apprecioto, Sand
I just recieved this. 02/17/2006 10:42:54 - "Hendrik Thole" Note #3: Hi, Please move PBSetup outside the "pb" folder as this will cause the "Invalid Windows Image" error. We are aware of this error and will make sure this is fixed in a future version of PBSetup. :lol:
I'm having an issue with the client version for Windows. When I updated it gave me some big error and to make a long story short the pbcl.dll has an issue with it. I used pbsetup.exe 3 times and everytime same thing so I've sent in a support ticket and am waiting on a reply.
I'm not gonna start bashing, I'm gonna try to prove what I said is true. First off heres a nice little link to one of your fellow clannies --->-=BB=-Liquid* Just look it over... Next here is my Aliasfinders info on you. AliasFinder V4.0.1.166 Player Properties - ©2003-2004 orangepeel http://www.aliasfinder.co.uk/ GUID : 3bda7c4ded1d34ed94aa72d86784a0ca Aliases : - -=BB=-D!ngo* IP(s) : - Rochester, New York (found with this--->http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation) Platform Information : - Mac ...and here are the rest of my screenshots. Also I see you admit to talking to Zero one day, well when I happened to see you that last time in an sof2 server I called you out and you even mentioned Zero's name to me. Hell I've even talked to your buddy Liquid on MSN (after he added me I might add) and you havent even made one attempt to contact me over this. So all I have to say is if you hack DO NOT come to my server cause your not welcome plus your banned, and I do check IP's so GUID changing wont help you. Perhaps these fine folks here will see what IP you posted under and track it down and compare it to the Aliasfinder info. :rolleyes: I will do all I can to bust out hackers ;)
Hello, I been seeing players coming into my server more and more using cl_timenudge. Usually the setting is around -10 to -20 that they are using. I adjusted the cvar in my servers pbcvar.cfg to -1 to 0 any other setting and its giving the boot. :D Whats Pbbans' opinion of this cvar?