I can only image that the pc people that still buy this will only be running private matches.
Not being able to kick/ban people will kill public games when cheater/grievers come in.
So in turn they are making the pc online experience worse for the new players as cheaters/grievers will strive in pubic games.
Look for the next IW release to be console only.
lol that must be why i'm not streaming there then. Here is what is in the pbsvlog.cfg
;// PsB/PBBans/AON Streaming Info
pb_sv_USessionLimit 12
pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub
pb_sv_uconadd 0 AONLIVE LIVEBETA
I will add the others and see if it helps
I may have figured it out. It looks like TWL copied the pb_sv_logport over from COD4. I think If I change it to 24432 I should be good. I will post my finding at TWL.
I was going to but didn't because we will be adding other servers that will be using TWL's pb config and I wanted to be able to get those up and running when we get them. I didn't have any trouble with the 2 or 3 servers we had in COD4.
Added a new server ( cod5) in my account deleted the old cod4 servers, added the pb files from twl to the new server, restarted the server and no streaming. What am I missing?
They could already be on a ban list but if your not streaming you might not know. I would suggest streaming here and to psb or even aon. The more the better.
I don't think that is a cheat I think it's cg_drawfps 3.
Here is where I have seen it before http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/headsmen/shot0085.jpg
This was taken from cal's website as a match result. http://forums.caleague.com/showthread.php?...8950&page=4