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    Gruntville Gamerz
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. I can only image that the pc people that still buy this will only be running private matches. Not being able to kick/ban people will kill public games when cheater/grievers come in. So in turn they are making the pc online experience worse for the new players as cheaters/grievers will strive in pubic games. Look for the next IW release to be console only.
  2. 60 = tv for consoles 80 = pc 60 gives me a headache 80 doesn't
  3. http://www.gvlclan.com/ss/zombie.jpg We had four ray guns. After level 25 it takes about 1 full heavy mag to kill one zombie.
  4. lol that must be why i'm not streaming there then. Here is what is in the pbsvlog.cfg ;// PsB/PBBans/AON Streaming Info pb_sv_USessionLimit 12 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub pb_sv_uconadd 0 AONLIVE LIVEBETA I will add the others and see if it helps
  5. I may have figured it out. It looks like TWL copied the pb_sv_logport over from COD4. I think If I change it to 24432 I should be good. I will post my finding at TWL.
  6. I was going to but didn't because we will be adding other servers that will be using TWL's pb config and I wanted to be able to get those up and running when we get them. I didn't have any trouble with the 2 or 3 servers we had in COD4.
  7. Added a new server ( cod5) in my account deleted the old cod4 servers, added the pb files from twl to the new server, restarted the server and no streaming. What am I missing?
  8. They could already be on a ban list but if your not streaming you might not know. I would suggest streaming here and to psb or even aon. The more the better.
  9. Damage is controlled server side.
  10. I don't think that is a cheat I think it's cg_drawfps 3. Here is where I have seen it before http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/headsmen/shot0085.jpg This was taken from cal's website as a match result. http://forums.caleague.com/showthread.php?...8950&page=4
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