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RoOF UberMatt

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Everything posted by RoOF UberMatt

  1. Just for JOLT's services and servers, they are expensive for a clan to start of with. But they are a really good company.
  2. Due to some recent activities it has come to mind, do you ban for racist remarks? If not this needs to be looked at cos it isnt right. These links are a few examples of recent events. Be aware anyone who will find any of this offensive please do not read. http://myroofbitches.co.uk/modules.php?nam...viewtopic&t=184 this is there response. http://www.setbb.com/clandas/viewtopic.php...&mforum=clandas Stuff like this needs to be sorted in some way shape or form.
  3. Could anyone aid me in how to set multiple streaming? I would want the best protection for [RoOF] servers.
  4. Been looking for awhile now due to the provider we have now is shameful. Can anyone recommend a good provider for cheap and reliable Dedicated Servers? Thanks.
  5. Are they? Hmm never knew that. So that mean they globally banned or hardware?
  6. I know this is a hack, but the clan that this member belongs to disagrees. I would just like some professional opinions on this matter, because they do not see what everyone else does. Thank You.
  7. Check your pm please :)
  8. I was sent a PM a while back and it said that i was to ask a staff member to upgrade my account to Streaming Game Admin (by Foxdie). Servers are down at the moment (due to technical difficulties), but if they arean't streaming at the moment, could someone maybe help me out. Popular servers we have and we have caught many players hacking, i would like to do more than just ban them off the clans servers.
  9. I can't seem to connect to a channel says my username is invalid.
  10. Could you maybe tell me how i could do all of what you have just said above please? I understand if you say no as it will take up your time. If so xfire: matty63.
  11. But the only problem is you can't send this of to the Master Ban Index (MBI) because they only except PB Screenshots. Don't they?
  12. So there is no way in which i can increase the amount of screenshots that actually do get through to the svss folder? Becasue i no there are hackers on my servers and sometimes the screenshots hasnt came through.
  13. Hey, I have a question about the way in which capturing screenshots work. When I do the commands (pb_sv_getss/#) only some of the screenshots make it to the pb/svss folder. For example; 12 player scrim, pb_sv_getss 5 times, only about 13 screenshots made it to the folder (and they weren't all from each person). I was wondering if there is anyway to make sure all screenshots actually make it to the folder and not just the corrupt html page. Thanks.
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