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Everything posted by Azap

  2. :lol: you always get some funny suprises in that place of the jordan map LLooOOOooLL Nice
  3. :P :P This is an good like post B) and not to long and very true Yheaa mabe i should bring it up so there could be a choice at least... :D I whish i could help out here at PBBans, but a thing i can do is spread the word.... and keep streaming my server ;) ;) thanks for the post again Fozzer cheers Azap
  4. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Well we have just been in the SOF2 CTF-RD tounament on CB and was a bit choked over that the game servers was using another ban system :huh: :huh: :huh: As i have been reading this topic Is there anbody out there ... who is still intereste to create A leuage system Linked to PBBans Cheers have fun
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