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Everything posted by DrRyan

  1. hier steht ja garnix? Watt isn das hier??? LOL! Na SonyFan....alles paletti? xD Greetz Ryan! :) [so sah mein erster GB-Eintrag bei mir im sl Forum aus von so einem SonyFan :))

  2. Thank you very much for setting this up for me :)

  3. Just for clarification: The above mentioned player tried to connect about three times but couldn't get onto the server because of a pb hardware ban. Ten minutes later the player connected again with a new GUID and was able to play on the server. How is this possible? I do not want an instruction on how this is being done! I just can't imagine that a hardware ban can be circumvented by deleting the et-key. Can we always be sure that a pb hardware ban is based on a cheat or can there be unfortunate circumstances in one's configuration to cause an (unjustified) ban? And even if so, is it really so simple to get on a server after 10 mins again without any inside knowledge of the whole matter?
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