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    Enemy Territory
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  1. I 1000% argee too! See my post here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19223&hl= cheater's a cheater We need to start banning the person not just the guid
  2. That's a very common error. They can get that from leaving and come back too quick. Should be fine if they restart their game and come back.
  3. Help please. I'm not streaming any more????? Edit: thanks, fixed!! LOL
  4. So.... it's obvious that with a server box running pb for multi servers that you can't stream to a single one.
  5. I get this with rcon unlimited 12:36:00 PM:> PB_SV_HomePath ---------------------------- PunkBuster Server: Home Path is c:\mainframe\servers\235et\pb\ my address to my pb folder is and the pbucon.use file is in there. What next? Or isn't this the same place as the "home path"?
  6. Not sure what my issues are but I do get this: 12:20:59 PM:> pb_sv_load pbbans_hub.cfg --------------------------------------- PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_USessionLimit = 1 (0 to 16) PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Cannot be configured without presence of 'pbucon.use' file in 'pb' homepath I do have the pbucon.use file in PB folder. What am I missing PLEASE?
  7. Any news on this one too? I have had a couple duplicates that were taken 3 to 4 minutes apart.
  8. Do we know if PB is working on this problem?
  9. Topic Title: Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : WTF! Co-Admin : N|A Thanks in advance! WTF!-Pain :D
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