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Everything posted by -g2.-De.-Ciph3r-.eD

  1. Log Forwarding: ACI CB AON You guys should create a way for us to check..... Or atleast have it show that CB, and AON are accepting and ACI is not. Theres no telling how long I have NOT been streaming now.
  2. Thanks, ill wait for a bit..... Reaper respond again saying it is correct, I am not streaming via HUB anymore.
  3. Noticing another odd problems. [10.22.2006 05:49:23] PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbans"@ [] [10.22.2006 05:49:52] PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbans"@ [T.).z..y..] [10.22.2006 17:10:40] PB UCON Packet ignored "cipher"@ [] [10.22.2006 17:10:51] PB UCON Packet ignored "cipher"@ [...:.....GC..N..] [10.22.2006 17:10:56] PB UCON Packet ignored "cipher"@ [.] [10.22.2006 17:10:58] PB UCON Packet ignored "cipher"@ [...*.9...V1] Wonder whats going on.
  4. Sent reaper a PM over at ACI, dunno why im not streaming. Am I atleast streaming to CB?
  5. I neglected to check this post because yapple @ AON said it was a problem with their parser.......am I streaming to ACI, CB, and AON currently now? He said the problem was fixed, and I am supposed to be streaming to them now with no problems, although ACI has not updated their script to include the servers streaming via ucon. Can anyone tell me if it is working correctly?
  6. Says Im still streaming, although I see this in my logs: 10/21/06 02:00:46 Log: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #1 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbans" key=B7CC6*9*3F*3ACB*511A*F2*F6D*79E* 10/21/06 02:00:46 Log: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #1 Header Mismatch "pbbans"@ edited the KEY because I wasnt sure if any of that information is supposed to be displayed, but it still says im streaming on this site. Any ideas?
  7. According to the front page I am streaming to ACI, AON, PBBans, and CB. For some reason at AON, and ACI it says im not streaming now for some reason. Could someone please check into this please.
  8. Yes, please forward to cheatbusted as well.
  9. Sure, as long as it wont hurt server performance. What all ACs is this available too?
  10. Our server IP is We currently stream to PBBans through UCON, and have our logs forwarded to -ACI- as well. I was wondering if you guys could also forward our logs to AON (airdaleops.com) Thx in advance......and keep busting those punks.
  11. WOW, you guys are getting closer and closer to bringing all ACs together in the fight. Keep up the great work.
  12. I was informed @ ACI that I can request you guys forward our logs to ACI through UCON. I would like to have this feature added if possible Clan Name: Ground Operations & Assault Team Clan Tag: -g2. Server IP: We currently stream to PBBans through UCON, and ACI the default method. Out of curiousity, is this feature available to other AC organizations, such as AON, or even AASA or PsB?
  13. IP: Game: America's Army Tag: -g2.
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