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Everything posted by fr0$t

  1. I have seen this with quite a few ppl who run high res..Not sure what you are running but looks like a health bar to me..Thanks
  2. Very nice..You guys are making things easier everyday :)...Thanks
  3. Hub Game=RTCW Bani ClanId=-]z-
  4. Ok thank you again...last question and i promise I wont have anymore for atleast the day lol..I didnt set pbbans up on my server one of my admins did so if I needed to change the URL and group name on the sig because they are old can this be done?
  5. Thank you for the response..I went in and added 5 more servers to make it a total of 6 with just one being active..Do I have to do anything else or will it just auto update in time...
  6. Hey I was just wondering why it only shows one bust on the signature when we have had more through pbbans..I have changed through alot of server ip's could that be the reason and if so is there anyway to have it show older bans on my older servers..Thanks
  7. I left it up for 2 extra days and just had it shut off so I came here to give you the update..Thanks
  8. The only server up and running is : Server IP: Game:RTCW Clan Tag: -]z- This server should be deactivated : -]z- ( streaming ) (RTCW) Last Updated: December 4, 2006 9:13 pm
  9. We have had a big problem with our game host and have decided to switch hosting..Im sorry we have had u add and delete so many servers but hopefully this will be the last time now that we have the new host.I got sick and tired of switching servers with them and the problem still persisted. Please Add Server IP: Game:RTCW Clan Tag: -]z- Can you please remove the following Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein Clan Tag : -]z- Co-Admin : Frost Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein Clan Tag : -]z- Co-Admin : Frost
  10. I changed the location of the server and I thought the other admin took care of this but we forgot..I need to have that server taken off because its no longer running..I was gonna post this in the other section but i saw that it wasnt streaming so i got alittle confused...Sorry for the miscommunication..At this point we only have 2 servers and since u updated this one they are both streaming thank you..
  11. server ip clantag: -]z- game:RTCW Hub
  12. ok thank you very much
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