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About siskin

  • Birthday May 7

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    QLD, Australia

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    Situation Normal All Fucked Up
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  1. Merry Christmas & Happy NewYear

  2. congrats merlintime - nice to have you in the thick of things :D

  3. This does not explain your problem with the original forum account. However I believe you are being assisted by an admin regarding your second post so I will close this thread for now. If you have further questions regarding the original post contact me and I will re-open the thread. @(*0*)@
  4. I have searched and can not see any previous requests for information about this - maybe you could show a link. Do you have a link to your previous member account page? We do have an Outlaw that is a banned member - this will happen when members make duplicate accounts. In cases where you can not log in to your account always use the reset password option rather than making a new account - any duplicate accounts are banned as a matter of course. @(*0*)@
  5. I never knew you could sing :o

  6. yo !! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, HAPPY BIRFDAY dear Blacky!!!! Happy Birthday to you :D ( PBBans Choral society )

  7. You are a user on that team account - is the server listed there yours or theirs ? Is the clan tag theirs or yours? Will they be applying for a new account or should you? These are the questions that need answering. @(*0*)@
  8. We would need some information to help us identify the servers and users you are talking about please. At the moment you are a member of the team account 6482 which is not streaming. The team belongs to The HoBo Clan. Are you asking for nickomac and B.P.DRIESSEN to be removed? If so please get nickomac to post here and explain what it is exactly that needs changing. Cheers @(*0*)@
  9. It worked :) Welcome to PBBans, Have a look around at the SGA forums available to you now and read the stickies when you get time - A lot of good information is in the stickies. Enjoy :D @(*0*)@
  10. lol thanks, nearly fell off me chair last night :)

  11. It can take a couple of hours for the automated system to upgrade you sometimes - I have done it manually so all should be sorted now. welcome back :) @(*0*)@
  12. lol.. neither can I - 16/25 and ran out of time before reloading :( I hope the training isnt the same or I will be toast :lol:
  13. The server you play on needs to add a personal message through their account. If you would like a personal message I suggest you contact the Admin of that particular server. Cheers @(*0*)@
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