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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by siskin

  1. My god ! they have been spying on my husband !!! (minus the monkey like :huh: ... unless.. nah we wont go there ;) )
  2. a sexy sausage link :blink: who loves to slap calzones. - well ofc :D lol
  3. As you had made an application in February of 2008 you were blocked from making another application. I have removed the application so you should now be able to apply again. @(*0*)@
  4. I can delete the original application to allow you to apply again but before I do that may I have a link to your server provider please? The address of the server resolves to a CAT Telecom which looks to me to be an ISP ( even though the site language is Thai.) Please note our ToS Which reads in part: If the server is hosted at a datacentre or similar I will remove the original application so as to allow you to apply again. @(*0*)@
  5. The server will need to be re-added to your team account before it can be activated again. Please use your account management area to add the server. Cheers @(*0*)@
  6. hey buddy, hope everything went well and you are feeling great again soon :)

    take care

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  7. Thanks for explaining what happened and glad to see you back :D cheers @(*0*)@
  8. I suggest you follow the hub guide to set up streaming again. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bf2cc That should get the server back on track :) @(*0*)@
  9. Your clan should be able to tell that the violation was not raised by you. That being said it is up to each clan to deal with their members as they see fit. Everything else I could say has already been said. @(*0*)@
  10. PBBans only receives information that is streamed from the servers - every single ban on the MBi is the product of having a server streamed here and a violation kick found in those streamed logs or in a PBSS being submitted by a server admin where we check the MD5 of the submitted shots against the streamed logs. Every ban we have on our list can be verified and has supporting evidence which is in the streamed logs. So in answer to your question; The streamed logs are the only source of bans. PsB work in a similar manner, therefore if a server streams to PBBans but not to PsB then PsB will not have the same ban info that we have so cannot apply the same ban; and vice versa. By dual streaming I would suggest that you are doing your best to keep both banlists complete ;) cheers @(*0*)@
  11. Apologies for taking too long to reply but there are a lot of things staff do, such as go to work etc. This SS shows a TS overlay and is not a cheat. cheers @(*0*)@
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=76166&hl= @(*0*)@
  13. The Hub server is down at the moment for an unspecified period of time due to some maintenance concerns. Please bear with us as we attend to these . The Hub will be back online A.S.A.P. Thank you PBBans. EDIT: Hub is back and streaming restored. Please be patient of any short periods of downtime in the next day or so as all systems are updated.
  14. siskin

    Happy Birthday to You.

    Happy Birthday to You.

    Happy Birthday to BAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Happy birthday to you :D

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  15. LOL.. I returned just in time :P Happy Birthday you old fart Baz :P:P and of course to all others celebrating on this day :D
  16. It was determined that the server you were trying to stream was cracked. PBBans will not allow streaming of cracked servers in any circumstances. Your server has been deleted from our service and your Team Account suspended.
  17. Good luck with that VS and I am sorry that this has happened to you and others :(
  18. TA 2590 has been deleted. marr is now able to add you to the correct Team Account. cheers. @(*0*)@
  19. The welcome messages are a part of the service we offer here at PBBans. Along with a lot of other things ;) We cannot accept PBSS submissions from a server that isn't streaming and as far as I am aware neither will any other reputable AC org. I suggest you make an application to stream here - After reading the info from our Information Centre I am guessing that this brochure Will have some information for you after you have done all that :P Might seem a lot of reading but it wont take long and it helps to explain it all. Good luck. @(*0*)@
  20. I think you may have us a little confused with EvenBalance - the creators of the PunkBuster software and administrator of the software. Or perhaps think that as an Anti Cheat society we can tell the game developers what to do. We are PBBans. An Anti Cheat organisation that is there to support server admins of PB enabled games. So we cannot do as you suggest and What we can and do do is offer server admins the ability to stream their servers using our hub, thereby adding their server to the list of servers that ARE protected as best as anyone can provide by our network of information and our extensive Master Ban index. Before going to join a server search the IP and port here http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php to check to see if the server you wish to play on is streaming here. Every server that streams to us MUST have PB enabled so you will find them with as fair a playing field as is possible. Good luck @(*0*)@
  21. EvilJohn raises a good question :P We have a league brochure available here.. maybe you would like to take a look ;) @(*0*)@
  22. Sorted.. Server is now active and streaming on your account. @(*0*)@
  23. Merlintime is correct, the server stopped streaming for some reason on September 15th and so the system has automatically downgraded your account. Try using the Automated Hub Setup to activate streaming on the server, if that doesnt work check that PB is still enabled and is up to date. If you still have problems you are welcome to join us on IRC where one of the staff will be able to help you. And thank you for adding your guid to the account. Please ensure that all members read and follow the instructions in this link Cheers and good luck :) @(*0*)@
  24. I have deleted the original application so you can apply again. Please note our new application requirements which include a non-free email such as a clan, ISP, college, mil, business or gov email address as well as your guid and a link to your website. Thanks :) @(*0*)@
  25. I believe that some of your other member accounts have been removed as they were all opened by you. A pm was sent but not responded to. Also your Team account has not been verified. Only your guid has but your email still needs attention. You can pm one of the Accounts staff - i.e me, to explain your situation if you like. @(*0*)@
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