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Everything posted by siskin

  1. The player is showing up a Global Ban via PunkBuster. Please read this topic I suggest that you submit a trouble ticket to http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...et.php?game=aao for further information :)
  2. I just rechecked my own settings and discovered that I have neither of the last two entries in my own server.. those that refer to logging. Maybe try changing the "pb_sv_ssLogging 0 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]" to 2 or 1 and then the "pb_sv_ssTimeout 0 //[seconds]" to say 45 or 60.. As it is players are either getting an indeterminate time to timeout or no time at all. I hope that helps some.. but I would still contact smpm and ask them to sort out the SS viewing for you.
  3. Yep, you can still play and be admin at the same time. :) In your server.ini file which you will have to access via FTP to edit, please look for this section and fill in the admin password as I have indicated by stars [Engine.AccessControl] AdminPassword=****** GamePassword= bBanByID=True In the same section you will see a list beginning like this IPPolicies[0]=ACCEPT,* IPPolicies[1]= IPPolicies[2]= and ending like so IPPolicies[49]= BanListFilename=BanList.txt bDontKickLastPlayer=False bAllowMaybeFail=False asTeamPasswords[0]= asTeamPasswords[1]= IMMEDIATELY after this add these lines PlayerAdmin=PLAYER ONE PlayerAdmin=PLAYER TWO PlayerAdmin=ETC. PlayerAdmin=ETC. Nominating of course the exact ingame player names of those you wish to be player admin. Hope that gets you on your way Spartan51. Once you join as a player admin you should be able to get a response from the command "admin pb_sv_ver" which will let you know you are good to go. Good luck. :D edit: ahh poop.. spent so long looking at my SS's that I didnt even notice the edit - I will leave this here for the info for others though.
  4. I think this is a smpm issue frost.. Have you contacted them to find out where you can view the shots? My provider here in Australia uses a different URL than the norm to host the SS's - perhaps they do too. I am not familiar with them as providers myself, but I have read some posts here and there that lead me to believe they handle things slightly differently than gameservers. Otherwise your SS settings look fine to me. Good luck
  5. nub myself here Spartan51, but I never had any luck using HLSW and AA and apparently there is some contention as to whether AA is truly supported or not :( Rcon is another thing that doesnt work with AA - AA uses the "admin pb_sv_* " format which is why I think the HLSW doesnt work. To set up streaming via the PBBans HUB for Americas Army, please read this guide paying particular attention to the instructions specifically for AAO Admins about 2/3rds of the way down the page. If you have FTP access to the server you may find it easier to use the FTP instructions, but the admin command set should have you streaming very shortly :D Good Luck :)
  6. siskin


    Welcome to PBBans :D Unfortunately PBbans can only ban from screenshots from a server that is streaming to them. We need to be able to verify the shots are untampered and valid before being able to use it as evidence for a ban. Setting up the server to stream is easy though - just read this how to guide and then post your information here After that any suspect screenshots can be submitted via the team account manager. good luck :) In the mean time you are welcome to post the shots here and if people see fit they can add the GUIDs to their own personal banlists ;)
  7. Bans can be appealed using the appeal system here D6C3E17DA164D42E33E0D41875E562EB is your GUID? If so the appeal was approved the other day and you are not on the PBBans banlist. :D
  8. I am sure your logs are getting through :) The check tool used at AON only checks for direct streaming servers.. as does the ACI streaming check tool etc. Perhaps pm'ing an admin at AON should clarify things for you - but at this end there is no problem. cheers
  9. AON will be receiving your logs from the HUB but you are not directly streaming to them as you are for ACI so you will not show up on their "Streaming Server" query. They are being forwarded you server logs though. You can certainly submit SS's there and at CheatBusted if you have them flagged as well. AON will be able to verify the shots and they will also ban any player automatically for CVAR violations from the forwarded logs. cheers siskin.
  10. I understand your frustration - it IS very annoying :( Unfortunately at the moment there are several as yet undetected cheats that are capable of doing this. All I can suggest is that you make certain that whatever scripts you use on your server are as up to date as possible. Ingame, if the cheat appears, type pb_plist in your console to get a player list and then take a screenshot of that. Take a screenshot of the scoreboard to compare the names from the playerlist. Restart the server - thereby kicking all players including the cheater and spoiling their fun. If you have access to the server logs you may be able to compare your screen captures with information from the logs to track down the culprit - or you can send the information in a pm to me and I will try and help. Then the players GUID can be added to your personal banlist and you can publish that GUID and the evidence that you have anywhere you can so others can add the GUID to their own banlists. good luck.
  11. Head on over to AA Official and you will find the place abuzz with patch fever again.. :blink: But anyway the sitrep does look interesting. Sitrep Personally, I cant wait to see how the voice activated commands go. HOOAH :D
  12. I cant help you if I do not know which account is yours Im sorry. Wasserpistole nor u11 show up on any lists I have access to.
  13. A1FB8454DA425079755BC2BD28DC7C30 This account is yours? It has a PunkBuster Global GUID Ban. PunkBuster Global bans are issued by EvenBalance, not by PBBans. I suggest you contact EvenBalance and submit a support ticket here Just as an aside, bans are generated by GUID alone, not by IP. Good Luck.
  14. siskin

    pb ban bfe2

    I can't actually look into this without some more details please De@d. What is the player name and/or GUID? Are they actually banned by PBBans? I am unaware of a violation in the PBBans scripts called "bfe2" Nor can I find any tagged [GCB] member on the PBBans banlist for Americas Army. Is it possible this ban is from another Anti Cheat organisation? Thanks
  15. Have you checked with the server hosts of those two servers? It would seem that the checks they are running are what is causing your problems. Contact the server admins of the respective servers via their forums and follow their advice. good luck.
  16. Here is a small download and tutorial aimed at alleviating the issue of Black Screenshots caused by players having an nVidia 8 series card. Please encourage your players to avail themselves of this simple solution. Download Site Link Tutorial Link siskin. Thanks to sl0thful for his great tutorial.
  17. Hi Filthy_Few. Try typing "pb_plist" in the console and then take a screenshot. This should give you a list of the players on the server. Then try and get a screenshot of the scoreboard so you can compare the scoreboard names with the names in your playerlist and the names in the server.log later. Restart your server to remove all players from the server including the one using the hack to send admin messages. There are a few different hacks around that apparently have this capability. If you compare screenshots and find a name that only shows up on one list then that might help to track down the culprit. Send me a pm with the info and I will see if I can get anything out of the log files that will help. Good luck siskin
  18. Thanks Benway - I was asking HOW it gets done rather than WHEN it gets done though ;) I realise now that it gets done automatically and I do NOT have to post about it - had no idea to start with sorry. The TA was not a feature last time I was here. Anyway the server was added to the hub but naturally wouldn't stream ( why would anything go smoothly one asks :S) so I see it has been removed from the hub. Fair enough too. Do I now try and get it setup correctly - could be a NAT issue I think :( and just leave it to you guys to work out when I have fixed it or do I try and contact someone when I think it is ready to go or do I post or what?
  19. I have looked but I am not sure what to do . We have a new server to add to our existing server - I have done so in my team control panel but I am not sure if I then have to make a post to request streaming in the streaming request section or whether it gets added automatically. I know it is a dumb question, but I really cant find the answer with search and we have only been here less than 24 hours so far :huh: Thanks for any advice :) cheers
  20. OMG - Im amazed and very happy !! And it is great to see you again :wub: How could I forget - I was just too embarrassed to return til I had it right :D We never did figure out what was wrong - the last host guy was NOT the most technically inclined person though so we had some issues there . But it is working now - mind you I found out last night - AFTER getting this sorted - that they will be swapping servers yet again next week - but I am not too worried, the hosts are dedicated game hosts as well. We already stream to AON Fozzer so if you could indeed fix that I would appreciate it - I really should have said originally :blink: My apologies. Anyway - Thanks so much , Now I am going to indulge in a bit of a pat on the back for myself :):) Take care and cheers siskin
  21. Hub Americas Army -}SN@FU{- Please forward logs to ACI CB and anyone else who will do good deeds with them. Yep it is me again fozzer :) (you have probably forgotten :rolleyes: ) with a new server- and I just used the AON PAP to set this up and it seemed to work fine - so fingers crossed and wish us luck. cheers siskin EDIT : I am concerned that something must be wrong, has anybody checked to see if it is working? Just a little paranoia here - plus I forgot to add who we wanted to forward the logs too :blink: Sorry.
  22. Well I have restarted the server a couple of times.. updated using the AON tool , including the new command just before the pb_sv_tasks start and it is still not streaming.. I have not been able to contact our host as yet but I am hoping to get onto him asap to ask about the NAT issue. I am keeping my fingers crossed we can get this happening soon.. I like green :)
  23. OK.. well I could not find that line in our pbsvuser.cfg ( our version of pbsv.cfg) Only in the pbbans_hub.cfg So if I just pop that in before pb_sv_tasks is that ok?
  24. as far as I can telll Fozzer already made that change. I will double check that - umm in our pbsv.cfg file ? LOL.. Im a noob :P
  25. Apologies.. time zones are going to make this a chore LOL.. been in bed and it is now only 4 am. I will try and find out today after work .. but assuming they do , what then? heh.. streaming again now.. bloody thing.
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