Click the following link and look at the player at the top...Sid Liyne
I noticed this player tried to join my server last night, he was kicked, not banned. I use the HUB and was just wondering if my server has been set up properly by myself. Or, if it was just a time zone difference. Here is what I found in my pbbans.dat.
[01.09.2007 19:04:20] 3eef70aa8d353f1fffc519bbd37dcdb4 "sid liyne" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK
Anyways, he was in my server at an earlier time, he got busted later on that night. I'm curious as to why he could get onto mine, but get banned from another server. Maybe I failed to set up my configs properly? I don't know, just curious is all....
I am new to the punkbuster thing, I've never had it running prior to signing up with PBBans. We've always ran a private server so the use of punkbuster has never been needed....very tight-knit group and all.
Thanks in advance for your response.