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Everything posted by ETW-FZ

  1. On my server, no problems since V1.778 was released. The current version 1.779 (i really thought EB didn`t care about ET) run nicely. Only 4 9013 kicks, which occoured while players had 999.
  2. Not many players on my server since update to 1.778, but 2 kicks, thanks god not 9014. Both VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9013 Its massiv better than yesterday, when everybody got kicked. Keep my finger crossed, this f**king problem seems to be fixed for me.
  3. New Update in the Wild v1.778 .. will have a look on it.
  4. Yeah, Evenbalance done it once again. More problems, server get emptied every 5 minutes. 182 kicks (9014) today, on one single server. Great work EVENBALANCE. Next count on my: "Never buy a punkbuster-secured game" - list
  5. Seems like EB isn`t interessted about this problem. About 10 members of our clan sent a support ticket. All were answered with the same f*****g text modules, ignoring completly the content-details of the tickets. Dunno why these update crap was released. No benefits visible, only problems. I asked all the clan members, to appeal Activision to cancel all further agreements with EB. Punkbuster became a real buy killer argument. Just my 2 cents Regards etwfz aka Schnoog
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