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Everything posted by CaNNon

  1. Kind of looks like he installed to his desk top instead of making a folder for it Patachon. It's a common mistake but should still work, just he has a mess of PB stuff on the desk top.
  2. It's a error, all the PB files and tools still work. You just have no support services, or servers to connect to @ punkbuster. The web tool still works as it comes from your server.
  3. On a way outside chance.... Deleting PnkBstrK ERROR <----- you could check the attributes of that file maybe it got set read only some how and can't over wright with a fresh updated copy?
  4. Agreed, JackDaw and well said. If everyone votes something a cheat don't make it so, that system is way flawed! There can be no voting on facts.... either it's a fact or it isn't! Thats just wrong on so many levels and the only reason it looks to work is because you never get to see the whole story. Way better to have a panel of the top people in the field look it over and decide, also the same people should deal with any appeal on that decision (they would be the best informed to do so). The day 8 or 9 noobs to the site, decide who is cheating is the day I walk away from that joke. Wait I all ready did that! :D *** Edit *** as you have all ready decided by this tool, it just goes to show how bad an idea it is! <_<
  5. I think he just said that. :rolleyes:
  6. The conversations on issues like that are held in the streaming admin forums. If you want to be up to date or take part you should join. B)
  7. Some guy may have just used the same name, if the GUID is not yours don't worry about it. If you wish you can also check the ip to yours. The bans run only on GUID, it's the best way to be sure it's the same person. B)
  8. Ok thanks! I'll remove the lines so they don't ping your system. *EDIT* This is good idea Thanks.
  9. No use waisting pbbans bandwidth if serria don't want to support the game. An idea of time to remove the lines of the servers would be good though.
  10. Thats not all either they are still selling fear for the same price as fearPM! So I went to futureshop.ca where I bought both and offered up my 2 cent's worth. I would suggest others to do the same. <_<
  11. Please post those in the proper forum Catscan. Game settings should not be considered a cheat as long as the settings are available to everyone. (IE: the menu). Also a windoze compatibility mode should be fine, I mean were all pc gamers in here and understand every pc is not the same. BUT, the blocking of the server and player info is a real issue, not because it works the info is in the servers logs. Still it really looks like a blocker of some sort. So you can see the issue the admins have.
  12. Thankie!
  13. 5chaap2k, buddy.... pal..... You think I could swipe a copy of that discontinued logo? I'd like to put it on my web. Thanks! A how's about passing it around to the guys? Might look good in this forum I visit every now and then? :angry:
  14. I agree and I think the is expansion is even a step forward, but no servers = dead. So I wonder how the other half is doing, you think we are close to fear2?
  15. In process.... <_<
  16. As I said, and that means no joy for you :lol:
  17. me 2 H :angry:
  18. Good point i7.law ;)
  19. Me too, but he did ask. ;)
  20. :rolleyes:
  21. No proof, we just take your word? :D
  22. ROFLMFAO! hahaha.... I just noticed the quote in your sig!
  23. Pb always had a issue with AA, so I would start with that one. ;)
  24. ROFLMAO!
  25. Sorry, but with only like 15 hours between your post and the update it was worth checking.
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