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Everything posted by GodWorthy

  1. Yeah, there's an issue with the patches, but I've been able to join all servers on both my G5 as well as the new MB Pro with Intel. It's a bit of a hassle on the Intel-based computers but nothing mind-boggling. They didn't absolutely REQUIRE the binary vers. last time I checked though, but it's been a while so I might not be the most up to date person here, hehe :D (I actually copied all the ET files from my G5 and it definitely worked a couple of months ago) If using the 2.60d patch, you'd be unable to join ETPro (3.2.6?) due to the fact that it requires the 2.60 b patch and nothing else will do. Now, to play on Pro servers, you have to swap the icon with the 2.60b one and it's good to go- simple as that. The downsides are that the game doesn't recognise the Intel processors architecture, (mine counts core 2 duo as crappy G4s) thus producing lower frame-rates in the game when compared to 2.60d patch because the game doesn't use the potential of the processor. BUT, since it's the only way to go, you're going to have to put up with it, or, I guess you can play on older ETPro servers as well as every other mod's servers with the d patch but you would miss out on the pro fun ;) So, you can play Pro with Intel, it's just the matter of picture quality and actually thinking which servers to join before you fire up ET =) I highly recommend the trouble... It's ETPRO! :D (mm, yeah, I'm a fan, what can one do.
  2. Might not be getting kicked, actually 2 minutes is the time that PB gives you to sort a problem/change cvars. And "disallowed program/driver" says pretty much all :rolleyes:
  3. Ah well I'd like to be added to WT admin as well, team number 435. :) (yes, another one :P)
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