Hi Tensim
I used to be am still am like you. Going round the pub servers spotting and collecting evidence, and trying to get something done about it. With A/C sites the evidence does have to be streamed, tamper-proof evidence. This goes for everything we do here at PBBans. How could you start a watch list with no evidence to back it up. It would mean nothing as anyone could fake info and get someone on it.
If you do spot a hacker on a public server that IS streaming to pbbans ( check this @ http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php ) then do grab a demo and a pb_plist screen shot, and note the specfic time and date as well as your time zone.
What you might be better off doing tho is jumping in our IRC channel #pbbans @ Quakenet, there might be one of us who can jump on the server and collect the evidence we need to get a ban done very quickly and save you having to trace the admin.
Just remember to find make sure the server is streaming before coming to us as its only then we might be able to help you, if it is a streaming server the least we can do is help you trace the admin.
May I ask what game do you play?