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Everything posted by FireStorm

  1. I can understand your fusturation in such matters, and really the only people that have the answer to the questions you are asking are once again, evenbalance. We do not know any extra infomation about what can trigger a >50000 Punkbuster violation any more than the general guide here http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=pbviols . The evidence on the original ban entry was infomation that a server which streams to pbbans has dectected and logged a violation has been triggered on your GUID. There is no more to it than that. The streamed log file is 100% authentic and is inpossible to fake. There is nothing to examine. All the revelant evidence is in the ban entry. As this is a punkbuster violation we can only go on what they say and if its a valid detection then the ban stays, if it is a false postive then we will remove the ban on there say so as happen in your case, they might have found something in your case which could have trigger the violation. More than likey they will have released a update to correct the problem. So hopfully you got nothing to worry about. PBBans
  2. Two things can cause this. 1. The master server is down and stop assigning GUIDs to players. 2. It is a cracked server which also does not assign GUIDs PBBans
  3. I belive this is a BUG. Something like when you blow up a car or something like that.
  4. Hi Tensim I used to be am still am like you. Going round the pub servers spotting and collecting evidence, and trying to get something done about it. With A/C sites the evidence does have to be streamed, tamper-proof evidence. This goes for everything we do here at PBBans. How could you start a watch list with no evidence to back it up. It would mean nothing as anyone could fake info and get someone on it. If you do spot a hacker on a public server that IS streaming to pbbans ( check this @ http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php ) then do grab a demo and a pb_plist screen shot, and note the specfic time and date as well as your time zone. What you might be better off doing tho is jumping in our IRC channel #pbbans @ Quakenet, there might be one of us who can jump on the server and collect the evidence we need to get a ban done very quickly and save you having to trace the admin. Just remember to find make sure the server is streaming before coming to us as its only then we might be able to help you, if it is a streaming server the least we can do is help you trace the admin. May I ask what game do you play? PBBans
  5. Yea Firestorm here. I donated a fair amount ($300) during the downtime from the paypal address [email protected] Also have suscribed to the site sponsors thing. Just put the name as =S.A.S= Firestorm
  6. I just love the topic title. :lol: Ban 'a' land (aka MBI)
  7. Using PB rcon does not return results back to the client. Thus you can't do a pb_sv_plist using pbrcon. If you are trying to find out a slot number then just use pb_plist. =S.A.S= Firestorm
  8. More like the Matrix :) Anyway, I will tell you now, there are exploits to a high fps on COD 4. Not going to dicusses it to general area but how are you punishing people by restricting FPS to say 250. At that speed do you notice the differance between 250 and 500 then 1000. Turn off your fps counter and see if you can tell? I think some of this is about FPS whores as I call them ;). MUST.... HAVE.... MOREEEE. =S.A.S= Firestorm
  9. Sorry for the delayed reply but I was waiting for evenbalance to get back to me. There has been a problem in the last month or so with punkbuster and kick messages, as in lack of. The only infomation the player receives is "player kicked by punkbuster" which means who have no clue what the problem is and how to fix it. However the reason is still recorded in server logs, and if you add firestorm93 to your xfire and can arrage for you to join my server and then I will retreve the reason out of my server logs for you. Evenbalance is currently fixing the problem anyway but when that will be I don't know. =S.A.S= Firestorm
  10. What is the setting you are changing, some cvar are cheat protected by the game and cannot be changed normally. And some cvars are restricted by punkbuster configs. =S.A.S= Firestorm
  11. Thats what he means. I could see that right away. Oh yeah and, your unbanning will clear the servers within 1 second due to the pbbans hub with live updates enabled. ;) =S.A.S= Firestorm
  12. Hi As far as I know if the master server is down and it stops assgning GUIDs to people the server ends up giving everyone a 0 GUID so pbss and logs come up as "*?" I quite sure of this because last time the server went down it assgned everyone a 0 GUID and they were getting kicked for have a 0 GUID. Thus your client will assign its self a GUID but the server will not use this. So as GUID stands for, it is unique to everyone elses. The only way for it to be the same is using the same CD KEY. To do this they would have to have your cd key which they could use anytime when you are not online if the server was down they might be able to use it at the same time but they would still need your cd key. Maybe if you could check the logs on the servers you were on you could prove what servers you were on. If someone can tell me other wise then fair enough but I am sure it happens this way. =S.A.S= Firestorm
  13. Server : Hub Game: COD2 Clantag: =S.A.S= =S.A.S= Firestorm
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