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Everything posted by Crystalka

  1. You should use your old pica on your profile. This one sucks ;)

  2. Because pbbans was down probably the ts was moved too;) Ill try and connect tomorrow and see who's online!
  3. Cool thing! We use ts a lot in our clans and it's great that pbbans is doing it now. Ill get on today;)
  4. I wish PBS used this option too:P Now I still have to update one ban list. Great job;)
  5. It's cause by a nvidea driver. A lot of pb servers want you to put this off;) It's located in your graphic options. I believe in the Performance tab >> Nvidea distance fog. Turn that off. Im not sure where its located in cod4 but Ill check it in a sec mate.
  6. Hmm, Ill chek if our account is still online. Good to have them back tho
  7. IP & Port: Game: Cod uo Clantag: [WNx]
  8. We had a scrim, and it was cool so I did not get pbss. But we run TWL and so they made automatical pbss. Well, I took a look and saw this one. I do think it is a cheat. Left of his gun there is a american behind the wall. If he was before he should be better seen (lighter). And There is a fence against the wall. There is no way he could e running in front of the wall. Please help me telling this is a cheat or not. I already posted this pbss on the punkbusted site and there they say it is a cheat/
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