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Everything posted by doxed

  1. Wow, not even a day after it's released. I'm not sure how VAC deals with bans/detection as I've had only a small exposure to VAC through TF2/CSS.
  2. Surprised by this response on their official forums. http://www.infinityward.com/forum/viewtopi...t=2240#p2474946 "You guys need to calm down, we're working on it." edit: not familiar with their forums so this is probably not a real response. sigh.
  3. Very surprised with this decision. No cheat protection is perfect but VAC is definitely lacking when compared to PB in my experiences. If this had been implemented in CoD4, I can not imagine how many obvious cheaters would not have been caught. My pre-order has been canceled as well, kind of bummed as I was looking forward to this game. No dedicated servers from an experience standpoint seems like a disaster. There's a reason I frequent certain servers across multiple titles. The admins that run them keep the idiots at bay which makes the experience much, much more fun. I can only assume they'll have some vote kick type system in place to deal with disruptive users. I can't say I've ever seen it work. I scanned this thread and haven't researched it much but it seems with this decision, mods will be impossible. I guess that also means no league play.
  4. You can ban by slot number, IP or GUID.
  5. I appreciate all the work. Donation sent. :)
  6. They give you a "dedicated" server. I was bored so I talked with their sales people and it appears that there is a bandwidth restriction but did not spell one out. They simply said we give you enough bandwidth for your gaming needs. The $150 is the basic server and you can install as many instances of whichever game you want, however eventually you will lag. It will depend on what games you want to host and how many slots. However, 512MB seems very, very low to run 5 different instances with a decent slot count. The standard server with 1GB is on sale according to their sales people but that still isn't a lot. Our last dedicated server had 4GB and we hosted around 8 servers without any problems.
  7. I don't believe you can completely turn it off unless you mod the server. 1 should be short enough for anyone but 0 sets it to 10.
  8. Try disabling AA in your graphics settings for COD4. This and the latest drivers usually return clean screenshots.
  9. Vista or bad video drivers can cause this. Unfortunately it is very common and is not definitive proof of cheating since there are legitimate reasons why this happens.
  10. pb_sv_ban(and all variations) places the ban in /cod4/pb/pbbans.dat banuser places the ban in /cod4/main/ban.txt
  11. doxed


    pb_sv_cvar r_fog IN 0 1 That should fix the players getting kicked. I would also set up streaming on the server.
  12. Once your key is out in the open, you have no other choice but to buy a new copy. A disgruntled member who had been recently dismissed from our clan sent a key stealer(manufactured by his cousin) to a majority of our members via TS. Now, we're seeing the fallout with some members having their key constantly in use or being banned for cheating by PsB/PBB/EB. We've since purchased retail copies and distributed keys to the affected members. Even if you re-install you are still using the same key which has been flagged. You must buy another retail copy and use that key. It sucks but it's a reminder to not to run anything on your machine that you are not 100% sure about. Even if you have AV running, a lot of times it still won't pick anything up. A firewall might when it tries to send the information back to a host server if configured correctly.
  13. It is in your root COD4 folder. If you right click on your COD4 icon that is on your desktop and select properties, then click 'Find Target' you will be in the folder where iw3mp.exe resides.
  14. pb_sv_cvar r_nv_fog_dist IN 0 1 That would allow a client to have fog off or on. edit: But do you want to allow them to have the choice of fog being enabled?
  15. I was also surprised at how large the ban list considering the game list has only been out for about 3 months. We stream our servers, use cvar/md5 checks and have a team of admins viewing screenshots while also watching players in-game at times . It's not 100% effective but nothing really is. We seem to be doing okay and keeping our servers as legit as possible.
  16. doxed


    set sv_mapRotation Check what is after that and that is the map rotation you've got along with what gametypes. You should be able to just comment it out (//) and then uncomment the S&D rotation.
  17. That happens to a few guys that frequent our servers too. So far we haven't figured out why it does this. They'll get kicked once, and then will be fine after they rejoin.
  18. What kind of access do you have to the box itself? The screenshots are saved on the remote server in the \game folder\pb\svss folder by default. You can modify the web tool settings in pbsv.cfg but I've never used that with a server but I'm sure others on this board have. I have FTP access to the server so it makes things really easy. You can also use pb_sv_sscmd to execute a script to push the images to another server after each one has been successfully captured.
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