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Quarter Master

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Everything posted by Quarter Master

  1. I sent a copy to Wolfservers(My provider) and they said they would as soon as its out of beta What we need is more COD admins over there showing support, maybe they can get some good ideas from us, and maybe get a better version out sooner
  2. this is a project that I will be following very closely. There are plans in the future to allow ingame admin using the chat system, and many other things. I hope they can get it done
  3. Just letting yall know, There is now a true COD4 CC. To those that use BF2cc you know what Im talking about. The website address is http://cod4cc.com/ and it works real good, works with PB as well. Here is a link for the VID http://cod4cc.com/demo/COD4CC.html
  4. Ive got that one as well, I have AWE4 1.4 allready, its cool too
  5. I just installed this mod on my server, IT looks really cool. Does anyone have any other good Mods that they have played??
  6. it should look similar to this pb_sv_task 1 300 say "Welcome to the GuNslinger server! Enjoy your stay"
  7. accually i found out why I havnt heard about it yet, the official release isnt for another coupla days
  8. didnt know there was a 1.6 patch out for cod 4
  9. as far as I can tell, that isnt a SS blocker. Your resilution is so high thats all that shows up. at least thats what it looks like
  10. probably just a glitch, it happens sometimes
  11. not really, most screenshots will only show part of the screen, unless that person is running thier resulution at 640x480
  12. Maybe someone could come up with an Official SS Veiwer for PBBans that we can use. similar to the one I use maybe only better. Here is a link to the one i use http://pbssv.msgamers.com/
  14. moo Gohanox, Moo

  15. The members of my clan will be donating money as soon as possible, we enjoy the fact that soo many smacktards are kept out of our servers, and it is we clans that should thank PBBans and the other Anti-cheat orginazations for all the hard work yall do to keep our servers Smacktard free as possible. Once we make our donation , just mark it as a donation Fron the GuNslinger Gaming Clan
  16. Hub Game: bf2 Clantag; GuN
  17. Hub Game: bf2 Clantag; GuN
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