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Everything posted by TheHeartSmasher

  1. Yep and it's a little late to try and fix them all up quickly. Would be nice if all of the data was heavily encrypted and deleted after the copier was done after every print/copy/fax job.
  2. :lol: :unsure: :rolleyes: :D This is great news.
  3. Only the + option is there - has been removed.
  4. Yes, an admin can look up the GUID or playername from the logs and ban the player. The reputation is an indication of how the community rates you and your responses in the community - if your not very helpful or + if you are helpful.
  5. Also make sure you unrank your ranked sniper only server or you might cause problems for your ranked provider as restricting weapons are against the rules for ranked servers. Battlefield Rules of Conduct
  6. Welcome to PBBans Mitch.

  7. I'll take Crysis as an example for MD5/settings checking, if you start up a remote crysis server and modify a few files you will be kicked every time you try to join the server until you either copy back over the original files or reinstall the game. MD5 checks basically check for modified files or files that shouldn't be there like hack files.
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