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Everything posted by Badlizzard

  1. hey you :D did you submit your SS ?

  2. anyone have any ideas on this, I have it happening right now, server has not streamed since changed it from strat mode.
  3. I have a strange issue. When I restart my server it runs promod_mode strat, just so that we can work on our nades etc. But it seems that when I change the mode to knockout_mr12 that it no longer streams unless someone is in the server. when it is in strat mode it seems to update the last streamed info every 3-5 minutes. When I put the server in knockout_mr12 if it is empty it will not stream, then after several hours I get a message that the server has stopped streaming. I have added the pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver command in my pbsv.cfg file I am obviously missing something, any ideas ?
  4. ugh, never knew that check box was there. Thanks for the quick replies.
  5. checking my end now, :/ would have been nice to get an email saying 4 servers failed
  6. Well I had 4 servers all streaming happily along then after you got hacked and came back they came back everything was fine. I then just checked my servers today, because I was closing two of them down and all 4 servers are not streaming? They are not even in my list of servers. I half expected one of them to not be streaming, but all 4 are just gone like they never were. Very odd indeed. I would think if someone lost all their servers from streaming pbbans would have an email go out ? Is this because of the hackers ? What happened? Team is Active Account ID 870 I just re-added the info for two of my servers back in again.
  7. yeah click server management, modify then scroll all the way down, you should see this section. Join Greeting Join Greeting is a message that is sent to your server when a player joins, To display thier current name use $CURRENT_NICK Example: Welcome $CURRENT_NICK to our server. This message will be displayed on this server only. If you wish to disable enter a blank greeting. when I looked earlier it didn't look like you were streaming :)
  8. rconmax will do it for you, not sure if bf2142cc will do it, but you could ask on the bf2142cc support forums? you can also do it with the hub, in your server management section if you are streaming. Under greeting:
  9. it was zero, I changed it to 3 is that enough ? ps. it is streaming now, thank you :)
  10. Server is not streaming to PBBans Server Info Server IP Game Call of Duty 4 This is a match server for playing EGL matches, I can't use the webtool to configure it. I have a pub server streaming no problem, but this one does not want to stream for some reason. pb_sv_uconlist command returns this EGL: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] EGL: 1 1 pbbanshub EGL: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) pb_sv_ver command EGL: PunkBuster Server (v1.715 | A1405 C2.138) Enabled command added to pbsv.cfg file pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver Any ideas ?
  11. happy with the service of the hub, not too impressed with some peoples handling of pm's, but what are ya gonna do.
  12. what really sucks is that psb is about 2 weeks behind in catching up to the streamed logs, so cheats caught 2 weeks ago are still out there playing because they are behind. The screenshot review forums can also take forever on obvious cheats, and they are not put on the MBL for a week or sometimes more. The pbbans live hub and the way in which the SS are reviewed quickly and decisions made are an asset to this site. I have argued in the past here that some SS review would be a good thing, but when not enough staff are on site to clean things up as seems to be the case on psb it's the server admins who have to live with the cheats playing on. ps. They never were that slow before, when they got hit with the ddos they never seemed to recover. I still like both sites, the benefit of both ban lists is without question an asset to the community.
  13. not your fault, good riddins
  14. welcome back
  15. just tried it, and got an error [15:17:33] No reply from server Maybe the server is offline or maybe teamspeak is not running on it
  16. I used to have same problem recently built new system and reinstalled everything, and now it doesn't happen, you could try uninstalling Firefox and reinstalling it clean, might work, I never figured out why mine did it. (not sure of your browser)
  17. hmm, I had the same thing happen to me twice about a week ago, I thought it had something to do with a demo viewing program I had used, fortunately I had recently reinstalled my PC and had my December 1st mpdata file on an old drive. Lost a month worth of challenges but still had 55
  18. yeah I used excel to sort the lists easier
  19. I stream to both and have the best of both worlds, both sites offer different things. It is possible and once it is set up, there is nothing to worry about, they don't conflict and they both work fine.
  20. it is the point, but just because he is your clan mate you are willing to let him slide ? He can appeal his ban with evenbalance, you can't show leniency when it comes to hackers.
  21. yeah, it needs a lot of work
  22. I love the format, makes it very simple to see what game it is for. Oh I agree and I do usually look at them at least once, but it would refresh my memory when coming back to the forum at a later date. Seeing the game in the title would save me some time.
  23. One thing I would like to ask or, is it possible to put the name of the game in the topic of the thread when a screenshot is up for review. Not that there are a lot of them, but often times it is for a game that I don't play, and can't help, then someone replies and I forget that it is for the game I don't play and check it again. Perhaps this information could be extracted directly from the SS to automate the process. Other than that, site seems to run well, no complaints so far. (except wish that pbbans and psb would get their heads together on the MD5 tool checks so as to simplify the list :) But I know you each have your reasons for what you do.
  24. Thanks for your help, I ended up combining the two lists, there were some files Pbbans had that psb didn't and vice versa, so I combined the lists and ended up with 235 file checks :o But at least now, thanks to your help I understand what the list is. :)
  25. So if I set my frequency to 60, it will check everyones system, for one file each minute? The psb list has 202 items listed, and the pbbans list is 121, either way that means that it would take a player 2-3 hours to have their systems checked for the existence of any of those files? Is that correct? also what is the difference between these two beginnings of MD5 checks? pb_sv_md5tool a "" v - Psb list pb_sv_md5tool w "" v " - pbbans list
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