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Everything posted by /GS/Warrior/GS/

  1. are there any rcon tools for this game ?
  2. whats up hottiee scotty

  3. you still have not explaned LOCAHOST and why that would show and not an IP
  4. player was kicked by ref thats all and he was the only player not kicked and the last one on the cserver and was hahahaha every time a players was kicked thats all
  5. ok i checked all the logs and theres nothing just this guy and he is the last player left on the server untill one of my admin came on and loged in to rcon and used pb_sv_ban command and baned him from the server also i looked up his ip in player index and he has two guids alos i look up his guid and he has meany bans i do understand that it might not be him but the second name that is listed is also listed with an older guid and ip that has pbbans connected to it and still iam not sure if its him but this is a NOQUARTER server not Jaymod and wth is this locahost and why it say slot 1 and it shows slot 16 is he useing a hack he just kicke players like it was a funny thing to do
  6. lol the server is not jaymod its noquarter mod
  7. also look at his player slot says he is slot one but the slot he was connected to is slot 16
  8. well he was there about 1/2 hour then he started to kick all the players on the server i dont know how he did that eather but he kicked about 18 players off my server and he has no admin What dose it mean locahost
  9. This was taken on one of my servers i have never seen this listed as an IP can you tell me what this means
  10. again thank you for the info and fast responce
  11. Thank you for your fast responce
  12. thank you if you have a server is there a way to get it supported are is it something to do with the game maker just wondering
  13. do pbbans support teamfortress 2 there are a lot of servers and players and was wondering if pb runs on these servers is great if not can it are why not ?
  14. X-ray uses state-of-the-art methods to protect you and your online gaming experience. It will periodically take screenshots of what you are seeing in-game, and will scan for known cheats and bad processes in the background to help with cheat detection. When you are finished playing your game, X-ray will upload these screenshots to our servers, where our experienced admin team and massive userbase will help catch cheaters by reviewing screenshots and 'flagging' them if they appear suspicious. If found and proven to be cheating, the users' game identifier (either a Steam ID, a GUID or CD-Key) is banned from all group sites and any partner leagues, ensuring you play in a cheat-free and safe environment. is this compable with pbbans and punk busters http://www.xraygaming.com/index.php?pageid=xac please respond thank you
  15. ok well thanks guys
  16. well its the mod makers that say that pb is not working correct so i thought i could get some help from yall couse i hate cheaters Thay just wreak the game so BAD
  17. Thank you also i have a question about someone that says hes a pb admin here is a post he made I will place a PBBans ban on them so they can't play any games on the Internat that uses Punk Buster!!! That's any game!!! Or even better I can get into your PC and get your Mother Board code and render your Internet useless!!! The only way that you can play again is to get a NEW PC!! here is his forum name and id removed by admin was at one time a member of my team untill we cought him Lieing about players and trying to do /rcon [password] pb_sv_ban [Player]
  18. no one answers lol usley when no one gives you an answer it couse the question is true
  19. is pbbans still updating ET ? do you guys care about are 2.55 servers ? we are a decatied clan and have a lot of servers on ET 2.55 and 2.60 we are also running a new mod that seams to have problems with pb can you look at this mod and help us get pb working right on EASTFRONT here is the server ip and version Server Name/GS/Clan EastFront Test Server Server IP version = ET 2.60b the problen is that when we set pb to run the server crashes and it dose not stream correct
  20. no Roadwarrior that was not the problem it was the server host did some updates and whill thay where updating the system thay had you blocked so PB was not running and i got in touch with them and he fixed it //******************************** // Common Server settings //******************************** // Log settings set g_logsync "2" // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append set logfile "1" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log set sv_log_damage "1" seta sv_punkbuster 1 wait 5 pb_sv_enable pb_sv_enable "1" wait 5 // pb_sv_load set sv_pure 1 lol looks enadled to me
  22. I hope this is the one pbsv.cfg
  23. ok here it is i dont see any thing wrong
  24. GS/Clan Server#1 COD4 i tryed every thing and this server says that punkbuster is not enabled and i have it in the server command line to run punkbuster and in the server CFG i also tryed the streaming commands and it still shows that punkbuster is not running on this one server i have
  25. Topic: PB Again Good Work^^ (Read 58 times) PB Again Good Work^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday 4 Feb... Me and GroOvy,Angel,Phoenx GroOvy saw a cheater he said Comeon PB comeon 3 minutes after he was in the server PB banned him for a multi hack^^ YEah PB YEAH!!!
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