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Everything posted by /GS/Warrior/GS/

  1. thanks guys i got 3 going thats great next question is that there where like 8 hackers and boters cought by the hub today in game and my team catchers are still at 85 is this not working ? thay should be around 95 cought lol are is this fuction not working
  2. ok i used this setup and my servers are not streaming what iam i doing wrong please help /rcon pb_sv_update ... wait 90 seconds /rcon pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use /rcon pb_sv_restart ... wait 20 seconds /rcon pb_sv_task 50 3600 pb_sv_ver /rcon pb_sv_usessionlimit 3 // (4) /rcon pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 /rcon pb_sv_uconempty // (11) /rcon pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub pbbhub /rcon pb_sv_writecfg is this correct and if so why is it not working
  3. Welcome Back and thank god
  4. i have added a server awating you to add it to system can you please here is info hope this is correct area /GS/Clan Freedom Fighters
  5. well i was refering to one like road warriors that says how meany bans and last cought Guild and how meany servers streamming couse i got 9 can i get one like that?
  6. how do i get a banner like your man
  7. hello my self and a few leaders of my clan where serfing the net to find out how easy it was for players to get hacks and cheats it seams that internet gaming is plagued with cheaters ... And most of then claim to be Pro players are just plane owners it is so sad that are youth are being exploited by thease cheaters .. How do we stop this i have young children that play internet games and just to know that over 1/2 of the players are useing this crap.. in ET it seams that there are 29,944 bans just in ET alone ...... i have a link to give to any PBBAN ADMIN where i found this stuff where thay tell you with one are not detected by punk buster how to install and use them .... How to get around pbbans and get back in the game THIS IS SICK !... please contact me what can we Godsquad Freedom Fighters Clan of ET 2.55 2.60 and 2.60b do to help and secure the life of a clean gamming commity .......
  8. can you please add this server to my account please Server Name/GS/Clan >Elite< Team War Server Server IP
  9. here is a # a clan member gets can some one tell me what exactly this is 130446
  10. Hub Game: ET Clantag: /GS/ We would like to stream to PBBans. (2.55) /GS/FREE ADMIN TO ALL #2 (2.55) /GS/Starwars /CGS/ (2.60) /GS/NO CLOWNING AROUND XP4 (2.60) /GS/Starwars /CGS/ (2.60) /GS/FREE ADMIN TO ALL XP (2.60b) /GS/ClanLeague server ETPro /GS/Warrior/GS/ owner leader Clan founder
  11. Iam not sure if this is right area so ill say sorry now but i do not understand how all this works so can some one help me please i want to stream my servers iam server owner and admin what dose this realy mean 1. Have rcon, BF2CC, 2142CC or FTP to a PB enabled game server (FTP not manda...
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