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    Battlefield 2
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  1. We have a ban on our server but with no name only the EA GUID. How can I find out the name associated with that GUID or GUID's?
  2. Man that freaked me out when I saw a post by Solar.
  3. An exceptional job by Maydax and the rest here at PBBANS. My concerns now of renting a server for our clan have been put to easy. BFS will continue to be a site sponser and we look forward to PBBANS support with BC2. Thanks again for all of your hard work.
  4. I love the spin control IW tried to put on doing this to the gamers (PC) that built this franchise. Just goes to show its not about loyalty, its about control and money. How's that for a big screw you fellow PC gamers.
  5. Welcome back guys and thanks for all of your dedication. That being said Bob I sent you a PM and was sincere in my offer. Please when you have a moment respond and advise of our (=BFS=) next step.
  6. He has left, I hope this satisfy's PBBANS.
  7. I was wrong about the circumstances on the ban. He is either going to leave our clan or appeal. Looking like leaving.
  8. Understood, we will have a response tonight.
  9. OK, he is no longer in a position with our clan to be head of our account. I knew this was the reason, he had protested the ban before and it was denied. His account was spoofed, but thats fine, we would just like to move on without him on our PBBAN account. How can we do this??
  10. My clans account has been suspended and I have sent PM's to 2 PBBANs admins in the last 36 hours with no response. I am certain I know what the problem is, however, I cannot fix the problem without access to our account. Could you please provide some assitance so that we may resolve this matter? Thank you in advance for your efforts. Kind Regards, SolarofDeath
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