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Everything posted by Buff

  1. I am drunken beauty who loves to infect women. :huh: :lol:
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Well your the Master User of team account 5163 (Duty Honor Courage). It's not streaming anymore. You can add your new server to this team account and ask for changing the account name and tag.
  4. Haben Sie die Webtool schon geprobiert? http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php
  5. @DeLuXe1983: Machte ein neue Topic. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76720
  6. *************************************************************** Team: Die Irre Einheit (=D!E=) Account ID: 4346 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) ***************************************************************
  7. Buff


    Hello pimpfag, Here you can find everything about the MD5 tool and what it does: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=md5tool.php Basicly if a player enters a streaming server, his gaming files will be checked for there unique digital signature. If there's a mismatch in the MD5, cause the files have been modified by a hackprogram, he will be banned by the Anti-Cheat organisation (like PBBans, PsB or GGC) the server is streaming at. I can't give you any other information, cause your clan is not streaming to PBBans. Maybe something to think about!! The only thing he can do is searching his ban on our MBi: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php and appeal his ban. There's an Appeal button on the ban page!
  8. Buff

    Hub Downtime

    We are doing our best!! Thanks for all the good words and donations. I'm also an admin for my clan The Big =E= and we just made a donation too.
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76166
  10. Maybe it's not on server side, you can try and update your own Punkbuster. Go here to update it: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  11. Glitches are non-bannable, unless screenshots show he's hacking at the same time. It's part of the game and Tryarch in this case, is responsible to fix it.
  12. Zal het met Maydax opnemen, thanks.
  13. Dank je wel, 5chaap2k!! Je hebt behoorlijk wat werk gedaan bij PBBans en ik heb veel over je gelezen en gehoord --> alleen maar goede dingen trouwens. :D Leuk je eens een keer te horen en hopelijk kunnen we eens bijpraten in IRC. Ik doe mijn best en er zitten ook een paar goede Nederlandse SGA's op dit forum, zoals Lucky_Fr4gg3r en Squealer.
  14. Vreemd, de pbsv.cfg file wordt normaal niet automatisch door de server aangemaakt. Zoals Lucky al aangaf, informeer even bij je provider. Een support ticket aanmaken en de servers na laten kijken. Misschien zijn ze niet goed ge
  15. Normaal zou je de Automatic Hub Setup kunnen gebruiken, alleen BFVietnam staat niet in de te kiezen game lijst? Hier kan je de pbsv.cfg downloaden voor BFVietnam: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-pbsv-id8.html Samen met de pbucon.use file uit de standaard pb_cfgs.zip: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...wnload&id=6 Als je FTP toegang hebt met de server, upload de pbsv.cfg en pbucon.use files naar je /pb folder. Indien geen toegang, je provider deze files er op laten zetten, daarna moet er nog wel een commando pb_sv_restart gegeven moeten worden vanuit console of ook door provider. De servers zouden dan moeten streamen!!
  16. Happy New Year to all of you.
  17. If it is in mid game, it sounds like your videocard has issues. Maybe it's overheating or something, you might check that or your videodrivers. After you left the game and reload, is the black sky still coming or not?
  18. Hey TheKeg, Go to this page about screenshots: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbssguide.html Here you can read about the server settings and the explanation of the text on the screenshots. Go to this page to watch and learn from the submitted screenshots on the MBi: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-overview-et-ov2.html Click on "View All" and walk through the pages to see some good examples. Your not streaming to PBBans, so you can't submit the screenshots you might found!!
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