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Everything posted by Dickymint

  1. well I have had to install riva tuner since getting my GTX285oc and run fan speed at 80+%, there seems to be a error where the card dont change the speed of the fan with the heat of the GPU............. dont get me wrong though heating up your G-card can be a good thing sometimes :P (I baked 3 broken 8800 g-cards in the oven for 7mins at 198c and they work now ;))
  2. Top job guys, its nice to know the innocent have a voice and you guys not only fight to ban the cheating scum of the world but will fight to help people that have been banned in error. As with wolfs ban it was almost funny when he got banned and infact I thought it was a joke consol message!! Cheers again guys.......... we love you (in a non gay way)
  3. well crap like this does happen even if we try to be carefull, my daughter gave my wifes cod4 cdkey to a friend who at a lanparty who had forgotten his cdkey and he went and gave it around to his friends, when my mrs logged on and it said cdkey in use she went mad.... Mrs made her buy her a new copy that day for
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