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Everything posted by AKA BANDIT
I appreciate you guys trying to help, but as it worked fine in SOF2 it wasn't a firewall or anti-virus problem. As for Evenbalance support, they were not very much help and took an average of about 2 days (total of about 7 days) for each of their responses (total 3) to my detailed updates (total 15) in which I told them exactly what the problem was and what I had already tried. The problem was PB services were not recognizing the Blacklight game and not starting, even though they worked fine in other games. I fixed the problem completely on my own by figuring out that un-installing Blacklight and then re-installing it may allow PB to recognize it and start, which it did. Pray you never have a PB problem you can't fix, cause you're looking at weeks with Evenbalance support unless it's an obvious fix.
I've been getting kicked for "Punkbuster missing or corrupted" even though I've run pbsetup, as well as pbsvr and pbsvr_blr about 20 times. Evenbalance wasn't much help so far. After about two days I got a response to my trouble ticket saying "try pbsetup again" even though I had 8 different updates that I posted to the ticket on what I had tried so far. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a25/AKA_BANDIT/BLR2012-01-2809-18-46-32.jpg However I think I figured out the problem on my own, but not how to fix it. PnkBstrA does not appear to be starting PnkBstrB when the game is launched. I checked the task manager while I was in-game before I got kicked and PnkBstrB.exe WAS NOT running. PnkBstrA was running. Is there any way to manually start PnkBstrB? I only seem to have this problem with Blacklight because I went to several SOF2 PB enabled servers to see if I would kicked for the same thing and I had zero problems with SOF2.
Are any of you having PB problems with the new phase of the Beta? First day I was getting kicked for PB not updated and now I'm getting kick for files missing or corrupted, even though I've run PBSetup and tried both the pbsvc.exe at the Evenbalance site and the pbsvc_blr.exe file from the Perfect World site. I've had a problem ticket in with Evenbalance for about 36 hours now with no response.
Don't know if you saw this yet. Apparently Activision and Infinity Ward decided to play the PC world for suckers. The "Oh ya we have dedicated servers this time" was just trickery and misleading advertising to get PC players to buy it. Check out this story: MW2 Servers
It's not just that game you get banned from. It's you whole account, so you also can't play other games while you're banned.
Banned from your X-box for IW programmer mistake.
Hope you don't mind, I made your image into a .VTF file for my TF2 and L4d spray. I had some people asking for it, so I've have been passing it around. I gave you credit in the readme for the original image. Here is the file if anybody is interested in using the spray: Boycott MW2 Spray Here what it looks like in game: BANDIT Spray Pic
Story today: arstechnica.com/gaming/news And not all the console gamers are turning this into a "us against them" thing: www.playstationuniversity.com/petition-dedicated-servers-for-modern-warfare-2
Been using this as my new spray in TF2 and L4D. :lol: If anybody knows a better one that won't get me banned let me know. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a25/AKA_B...1025-132030.png
X-play had a brief blurb tonight about the dedicated server issue in the ticker that runs at the bottom of the screen during the show. It didn't really explain anything to anyone that wasn't familiar with the issue. All it said was "Infinity Ward's response to PC gamers is that they intend to stand by their IW-Net." I already commented the earlier in the day on the G4 site that I thought they were avoiding discussion of this issue because they have big Modern Warfare 2 hype shows planned and don't want to rain on the parade. I believe X-play intends on having a "Modern Warfare Week" next week, so it's not really in their interest to generate negative publicity and have a bunch of people say "To hell with MW2." Infinity Ward is apparently getting desperate with all the threads on their forums. This is from a post made this morning on the G4 TV forums: G4 TV Forum
Tom's Hardware covering the story with link to IW forum thread--> story Good to see everywhere there's comments everybody is PISSED! Is anybody else having a problem seeing the petition now? I go to the signature page and get a "internal server error (500)."
Whoops sorry! It's up there now.
SWEET!!!!! That right there is what we need, major media outlets talking about it. Maybe X-play will take note and say something on national TV. Speaking of, I just went to G4 TV and got in their forum topic about this. It just started and it's small right now. How bout a bunch more people get over there and see if we can't make enough noise to get national TV coverage. G4 Forums
I don't know if you guys have been watching the press on the "new" features of Modern Warfare 2, but a lot them sound very familiar. So familiar I'm pretty sure a lot of them were ripped right off the COD4 modding community (PST Joker, Etc). So ya, console gamers apparently do benefit from PC gamers. Another suspicion I have is that this whole deal is leading to a system like X-box live where they can charge you a monthly fee to play the game you just paid $60 for. I don't know about you guys, but I rarely finish the single player campaigns in games I buy. I'm in it for the multi-player. No dedicated servers is a deal breaker for me. Don't give us a half ass console port with a multi-player system that's likely to be a nightmare and call it a PC game. We just have to hope they get enough bad press over this that it hurts their bottom line. PC gamers can make a dent by canceling their pre-orders and not buying the game, but I'm not sure how big a dent that is in their total sales.
Like Starfire, my server is a gameserver hosting and I didn't think it would be firewalled. My FEAR server was the same host and as I mentioned I didn't have any problems with setting up the webtool connection with the FEAR server. I'll check with them though, I did have some weird issues with my FEAR server trying to change some things around. Almost like they had some things blocked. Their support is really hit or miss though so I try to figure out most things myself first.
I'm having the same problem. I just keep getting unable to load page messages. I followed the webtool setup directions and nothing happens. I previously setup my FEAR server to connect with the webtool with no problems. Did you ever figure out what the fix was?
AKA BANDIT replied to AKA BANDIT's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Sand, HLSW doesn't list FEAR as one of their supported games. I did make the "pb_sv_task 90 3600 pb_sv_ver" change, so everything should be good for right now. Server still shows as streaming via hub. Thanks for everybody being patient with me and helping a Noob out! :rolleyes: -
AKA BANDIT replied to AKA BANDIT's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Standard rep streaming method via FTP: step 1. Create a file pbsvlog.cfg (or right click the attached pbsvlog.cfg/save link as/pbsvlog.cfg and put in your chosen usename/password) step 2. Place in the pbsvlog.cfg these 4 lines: pb_sv_LogAddr rep.pbbans.com // this never changes pb_sv_LogPort 24389 // this never changes pb_sv_LogUser USERNAME pb_sv_LogPw PW NOTE: the USERNAME and PW are chosen by you and can not contain spaces - dont forget to pass your chosen username and password via forum PM to a staff member and save your newly created pbsvlog.cfg step 3. Upload the pbsvlog.cfg to your PB folder step 4. Open your pbsv.cfg and add the command pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg step 5. Restart punkbuster (pb_sv_restart) step 6. Make a post here click me with the topic title as your server ip/port, please state Rep method/ game/ clantag and dont forget to pass via forum PM your chosen username and pw to a staff member I thought you had to do this to enable streaming. FEAR doesn't have a remote RCON. So what .cfg file should the entries you list be in? UPDATE I entered the commands you gave by using the Webtool. Is the server now streaming? -
AKA BANDIT replied to AKA BANDIT's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Don't know if he's dealing with it. I didn't know who to send it to so I just picked an admin. But if you think it would be best to wait for him that's cool. I already warned you I'm a Noob Server Admin. :D -
AKA BANDIT replied to AKA BANDIT's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
I PMed my login info to Benway. Should I send it to you to get the server streaming? -
hub Game: F.E.A.R. Clan Tag: -=|AKA|=- I believe I have all the necessary files transfered to the server. I'm kinda new to this running a server thing. :unsure: