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Gnu_UKC-X last won the day on October 15 2012

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About Gnu_UKC-X

  • Birthday 03/22/1959

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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Yup, I have just done the automated setup again, and streaming has now started. Just have to wait for SGA status to update :) Nice one guys!
  2. I know, it's incredible isn't it? Pay 'mucho' bucks for an overpriced game, then charge you an extra 20 bucks to unlock everything early ...... Talk about dumb !! (especially if you buy it)
  3. has not set their status

  4. It was posted earlier in thread that it will be automatic once your server(s) are streaming again. I have been streaming for the past few hours with no change in status,, I guess it will take some time to filter through to all of the SGA's. As the guys are probably busy at the moment, I would wait a day and see if the SGA status does update.
  5. Except that as far as I know, it resets back to default on each map load. So you will need to bind a key to set the FOV
  6. Yeah, in all previous patches I had to upload the 'changed' files because the installer wouldn't work as the install is not recorded in the registry. So I didn't even bother trying this time, then I find out the installer DOES work ............ Typical !!! :D
  7. Entered in error, please delete this post admin - thanks. I have just tested the patch installer, and for the first time after all the previous patches, the standard patch installer WILL allow you to manually state an install path. This means the people like me who uploaded their own install to their dedicated box can use the installer rather than an upload of the 'touched' files only. I posted a link to a 'touched' files zip archive on my own website, that file is NOT required this time. Sorry Cheers :)
  8. Unless you have changed it recently, I would like to suggest that the default hub flags for new accounts are set to :- 1/ Enforce Bans 2/ Announce New bans I say this because I have seen many posts from new users who have said 'why is this banned guy in our server?' Reason - They haven't read all the correct info about the flags, so left their flags on default (accept PB bans), which mean they have NOT got the FULL MBI downloaded and installed, just the new bans since they joined. By setting the default to (at least) 'Enforce Bans', they are protected from day one. Then when they have read the relevant information about the flags can make an informed choice. It certainly covers the ass of those who don't read as much as they should, or those who are a bit confused about it all when they first start with PBBans or are admins for the first time. Cheers :)
  9. If that is the sum total of the 'evidence' against you, and the the admin responsible cannot see the his error, then I would suspect that they were looking for an excuse to get rid of you, as you certainly didn't the receive the benefit of the doubt. Not that there's much doubt, based on the above!
  10. Of coarse you did .......... ;) :D Errr ...... so am I
  11. Hey .......... I like being 'uninformed' :BigB:
  12. I use the the mousewheel scroll for Melee too, also the right side button from grenades, left side for crouch. I don't regard them a cheats. I don't like the mousewheel for fire because it essentially changes the function of a single shot weapon to rapid fire, and an automatic weapon to single shot. I don't like it, but that doesn't mean I regard it as a cheat, I would just prefer that is wasn't possible to do. Other members of my clan use it sometimes, and I can't really tell them not to. It's a server admin/clan choice of what they think is acceptable in the our servers, in this case majority rules and it's deemed acceptable. It a shame because I just managed to get the software running correctly that will kick (or monitor) for this bind. Look out for a piece of software called 'FUD Bind Kicker', you will be able to get it for sure if you are a SGA at PSB, as it written by one of the admins at PsB. Here of a picture of a test kick done on myself :-
  13. Now that's Gross ................ gettit? :D
  14. MMMmmmmm I reply in French, you get yours in German. It's all Double Dutch to me ........ :biggrin8:
  15. Strange ......... I haven't heard of that problem Probably because I use a gaming ZBoard when playing, so it doesn't have a keypad. Cheers
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