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    Red Hour
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Canceled and got my money back today! ;)
  2. Every time I restart my Vegas2 server it randomly picks a port, like 3074 or 3075 or 3076. This is screwing up my streaming. I've tried adding the RVS server commands of multihome= port=3076 but that doesn't work. How do I set the port? to always be 3076? Neither multihome= or port= work to set the IP or port .
  3. We have been running a Windows Dedicated Game Server for a while now. We are think of switching back to a Linux Game Server. Which Linux Distribution are people currently using for a Game Servers? We used SuSE Linux in the past, but I think that has become bloated.
  4. You may want to go to the admins of server you are playing on and let them know. Maybe they are streaming to one of the anti-cheat sites like PBBans.
  5. Is this for Europe only? I can't find English instructions <_<
  6. Just use their config but add the checks from here. That's what I use to do at TWL when we matched in Raven Shield. We had only one person complain about our extra checks and that was the leader of the Safeway Clan, who was later busted for hacking. If someone complains about the extra checks, don't match them.
  7. Your firewall may be off, but that doesn't mean the proper ports that the game needs are open. You are probably going to have to manually open whatever ports the game needs.
  8. Does this help: http://www.game-violations.org/thread.php?...987fbf3c82f6d60
  9. I wish you would write a cvar for that :)
  10. What operating system are you using?
  11. Your head admins needs to add you to that account.
  12. I am glad we were able to gain this relationship with PBBans. RA's Supplemental Ban List was well known in the Raven Shield world and accepted at ladders such as, TWL. RA was developed around numerous Raven Shield clans looking for good, clean games. Most of us have now moved on to CoD4 and will continue developing a Supplement Ban List for CoD4 for one extra layer of protection from cheats.
  13. Just Google or Yahoo "Violation (GAMEHACK) #89116" There's are a variety of reason why people have received kicks for it. Some used a rank up file, some used a supposed booster pack...etc...some have claimed their CD key got stolen after using a rank saver program. Bottom line is, you need to get a new game.
  14. Deacon is this your webpage? http://www.phantomwarfare.com/news.php You advertise a cracked server on your main page for recruitment purposes, and you wonder why one of your members got a MD5 kick? :rolleyes: Wait until the TWL Admins see that. That's hilarious
  15. What game and what is his 8 digit GUID? This last guy we caught was a 9002 violation: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=57832
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