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Everything posted by HAMBONE

  1. This is great news!!! THX! Will post any issues!
  2. just to chime in here as I am seeking to look into some legal actions as I and a few other were taken for ALOT of money. PM me your info if your are owed monies, name, addy, phone to pass to my lawyers that are looking into this, it is an LLC so maybe nothing but you nvr know. paypal can only do anything if it was in the last 45 days of a payment transaction... I went to http://www.clan-solutions.com for my hosting as i was there almost 3 years prior to the last year of hell of OG! CS offers EVERYTHING! CLAN SOLUTIONS FTW!!
  4. yes, we caught one in the .K!$$. server he was banned via f-12 before he removed power from the only admin in there. He also exploited 1000's of points for the team he was on, forcedclass everyone weapons differently, admin mesgd..... He owned till a server restart and his player name was banned so he could not come back in...LOL VeryDirtySanchez was his name.
  5. Hub Game: America's Army Clantag: .K!$$. Please forward Server Logs to Airdale Ops Network
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