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About Agent-86

  • Birthday 12/15/1978

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  1. yeah I left ERF about a month ago. If you can, Remove me from the team altogether :D thanks -Agent
  2. My comment was more aimed towards Obama
  3. I heard Obama cut funding to AA3 so there will be no update :P
  4. yeah true, but you can't fault a clan for streaming some other anticheat site.. they probably aren't aware how much psb sucks.. But the bust is still valid :D
  5. Don't forget your bans in BF2142 [PsB:9354 V00D91423] 688e928b7ad4dd236686dc14c27baa36 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80282 [PsB:7586 V00D79EF8] a571ccf8fae55d641283427bb6ca4a96 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80283
  6. I got it & don't like it. it's like a really bad version of TF2.. Something you would find on the WII, kids might like it, But not for me.
  7. should be set to -1 set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay -1
  8. Could have sworn they scrapped the system before it went live in BF2142. Don't know wth they thinking anyways.. just cuz some poster can be found in a game, not making me go buy a soda or whatever crap they trying to sell.. Oh that's right, they aren't thinking.. they just see the $$$ come in. :D
  9. Only option is pretty much a bind search PB_SV_BindSrch [search_text] [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited} Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a report on which local player key bindings contain the specified [search_text]; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks I'll send you a PM, might have a tool that would work for you..
  10. I hope they left out the advertisements system :D Unless 1943 is going to be free also?
  11. Maybe some type of rank hack he messed up applying? hex edited the perks and not rank? who knows, could even be some type of rare bug.
  12. crap they already beta testing? Another beta I didn't get accepted for :( lol
  13. If I had to guess, I'd say it's his desktop, He is using the windows 'hands' mouse theme. Either way, I don't really see it getting banned, There is no clear cut view of a cheat being used *edit* Not sure if you are able to post someones unedited SS with his complete guid in this open forum. Oh yeah, And are you streaming your server here? non streaming servers can't submit screenshots here. without the streaming logs, pbbans can't verify if the shot is legit or not.
  14. Sounds like another Joint Operations fiasco :D
  15. BF Series is nothing more than a cash cow for EA At this point, doesn't matter how crappy the game is, they have a big enough fan base, people will buy it off title alone. And so true about the bullet detection/hit boxes, by far the worse I've seen.. Still remember that Youtube video showing how bad it is in BF2... while running, the hit box is dragged behind you. Horrid
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