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Everything posted by d2sjones

  1. The reason we will continue to be ignored in all of this is that aside from us complaining amongst ourselves and posting on forums we are NOT getting our message across to the public players. If for no other reason than too many flame wars start in the forums between us and console players, joe public just switches off. A quick look at the server browser in COD4 shows over 17k servers but less than 700 have Boycot MW2 or anything similar in the server name. Unless we educate the public that come to our servers why no dedi servers will effect them they will see the ads, read the hype, and buy the game. We lose. The sales figures will appear to support IW's position. In here all we are doing is preaching to the converted, its the masses that we have to reach and IMHO we need to start the process when they browse the servers to chose where to play. The main thing to be proven last night from all the logs I have read is that the game was coded for the lowest common denominator and no effort has been made to utilise the power of the cheapest pc off the shelf in PC world etc. We need the public to know that;- Without dedi servers they will not be able to join with our communities, they must like us they keep coming back. Without mod and mapping tools the game types and custom maps that they play on our servers would not exist without a DLC payment to IW. They have to be aware that hacking is a far bigger problem in VAC than it is in well run PB supported servers. As a community at the moment aside from a reasonably supported petition, masses of flame wars and loads of chuntering we are lacking in action to push our position to the people that really matter. Joe public in the server whos money is heading straight to IW's coffers. Every server in this community needs to start with making sure that their feelings are know in their server name. Sorry for the lecture but time is not on our side.
  2. With thanks to Zeroy at the RGN Dev Team
  3. Not so much old as very old please.

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