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Everything posted by {BFK}Brit_FK

  1. I was just about to post look at: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#rcon Setting up via rcon, which is essentially the same as above :P But if neither of these work, you can always use the work around until you find out what the issue with the server is.
  2. Hhhhmmmm! FTP is the way to go, retrieve from server ammend and send back to overwrite, or send new file of same name to overwrite. Why it gets over written? You could maybe do a work around, create a new PB config file like PBtag.cfg then have: pb_sv_load pbtag.cfg In your server config, this will also prove you can upload file to your server via FTP, thus if you can't see this new file in your PB folder, then you have issues with your FTP.
  3. It looks like your friend brought a copy of the game already banned, your only course of action would be to complain to ebay, probably due to this info not being disclosed in the ebay advert. You won't get that GUID unbanned as this could be a ruse (i'm not saying it is, but the Possibility exists), like many cheaters who have used many wild and wonderful excuses to get unbanned. Your best bet is to complain to ebay and try to get a refund and buy a sealed copy of the game (retail).
  4. How about the option within paypal donations to set up a regular payment. monthly or quarterly, this will probably require an upgrade to premium paypal account to allow this option, assuming you don't already have this account type at pbbans?
  5. Yeah welcome back PBBans, so glad you didn't close the doors. I'd sign up to a monthly subscription 10/20 dollars a month no problem, I'm sure others would do the same, if it meant a more secure future for PBBans. Thanks for coming back :D :D :D Jimbo NB: I believe the way to allow clients to select subcription payments via paypal is to upgrade your paypal account to premium, if it's already a premium account guess it just needs setting up.
  6. Good to see the PBBans website/forum back up, and hope normal service returns as soon as possible. :D :D :D :D
  7. Had one guy come onto our server, I normally take a screen shot of all new players joining server. Via COD4 RCON commander pro, because you can also view your screenshot, without retrieving via FTP. He produced a black screen shot, took about ten more whilst he was on the server all the same. however he didn't respond to questions via console if he was running Vista OS. Only reason he wasn't locally banned because he sucked, if he was top scorer all the time then maybe. But if PBSS fails a demo is good also.
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