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Dominator last won the day on February 2 2012

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About Dominator

  • Birthday 06/30/1989

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    My all time favourite genre is "zombies" don't as why. I am very computer literate and use my spare time to run my company and I also like helping out at PBBans.
  • Location
    Wigan - UK

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  1. Hello PBBans Members and Steamers! ¦ About ZealHost ZealHost.com has been around since 2009 to offer low cost web hosting solutions without the overselling that most companies do. Our client base is mostly local businesses and clan/community websites. Our company stands out as we recommend all clients to start at our lowest package and work themselves up (unless you know what you need). This allows you to spend as little as possible and not waste money on unused space. Companies that offer you substantially high disk space and bandwidth (unlimited) at a ridiculous price, invite plenty of bad customers that abuse their servers for scripts and/or files that could potentially hinder your website useless. The word "unlimited" is used quite allot and don't be fooled by this 'marketing' term. Unlimited is used to give the impression that your getting more for less. ZealHost.com website only uses around 40MB, so don't think that more is better! ¦ WHY ARE WE DIFFERENT? Back in the days I used to own/run a clan community website called Shadow Blades with Duality. Back then I used to manage the website and servers. I understand the importance of a smooth running website and what PBBans require to allow your clan/community to start streaming your servers. All our servers are also eco friendly and never oversold. ZealHost was actually born to help new members actually pass their application process, our very first clients were new PBBans members wanting to stream their servers. Many of them are still Streaming Admins to this day! ¦ FREE transfer and Start Package If you want to transfer away from your old host, we will transfer your website over with minimum/no downtime. Starter Pcakge - If you are new to PBBans and wish to start streaming your servers we will upload a website and guide you through the application process. ¦ LIMITED TIME OFFER Discount Code: PBBANS10 Ends: 14/02/2012 Max Uses: 10 Conditions: Profesional/Expert Package Only The discount will enable you to receive a recurring 10% OFF off the hosting packages above. We will then upgrade your account free of charge to the next package! If you choose our "Expert Package" - We will add 10GB of Bandwidth, 1GB of Disk Space and offer you our VIP support Addon. We will upgrade your package within 24 hours. Order Now ¦ PBBans Discount "PBBANS20" The discount will enable you to receive a recurring 20% OFF any hosting package. Use the "Order Now" button to be directed straight to the order page with the discount included. ¦ Starter Package 750MB Disk 5GB Bandwidth 99.8% Guaranteed Uptime UK | USA £15 p/year w/out Discount £12 p/year (reccuring) w/discount "PBBANS20" Order UK | Order USA ¦ Professional Package 1.5GB Disk 10GB Bandwidth 99.8% Guaranteed Uptime FREE Domain for LIFE R1Soft Daily Backups UK | USA £30 p/year (£2.99 p/month) w/out Discount £24 p/year (£2.40 p/month) (reccuring) w/discount "PBBANS20" Order UK | Order USA ¦ Expert Package 3GB Disk 20GB Bandwidth 99.8% Guaranteed Uptime FREE Domain for LIFE R1Soft Daily Backups Unlimited SSL Certificates (Dedicated IP Needed) USA £50 p/year (£4.99 p/month) w/out Discount £40 p/year (£4.00 p/month) (reccuring) w/discount "PBBANS20" Order UK | Order USA ¦ Main Features Eco Friendly Servers Cloud Linux cPanel / WHM Litespeed Servers R1Soft Backups Softaculous RVSite Builder 60 Days Moneyback Guarantee Many More! ¦ Optional Extras Daily Backups VIP Support (Double Referral Commission, 3rd Party Help) Additional Space (with our Expert Package) Dedicated IP Address PositiveSSL Certificates More Info ¦ VPS & Dedicated Servers We also have a selection of VPS and Dedicated Servers to choose from! VPS Servers | Dedicated Servers ¦ Server Location UK - SynergyWorks USA - Softlayer More Info ¦ Domains (With FREE Hosting) Get FREE hosting with any domain and increase your plan for a small fee if you need too! FREE Hosting FREE Domain Theft Protection FREE DNS Management FREE Privacy Protection FREE Email Accounts £7.99 p/year .com | .net Order Now / More Info If you require any more information or want to request a personal quote, do not hesitate to contact us below in our signature, or visit our site for livechat! Kind Regards, Lee Johnson
  2. Hey Crotan, Yeah I offer PBBans a recurring discount as they are a great community and back when I ran my own clan with Duality I couldn't run a good server without them. We may be UK based, but we have servers in USA - Texas, located at colo4. Although staff is in the UK, we're kind of night owls :)
  3. Thanks Duality, much appreciated. Until 30th November Get a FREE GlobalSign SSL Certificate worth $249 with every new .COM or .NET registration. Until 24th December 50% OFF any hosting package and term, this is non recurring unlike our PBBans discounts. However for this you can get webspace for a steal (see below). Basic Package - £5 / $8.50 / €6 for the whole year Standard Package - £7.50 / $13 / €9.50 for the whole year (+ Domain + SSL Certificate) **HUGE SAVING** CODE - XMAS10 Kind Regards, Lee Johnson ZealHost Manager ZealHost.com | Sales Chat | Server Status | Testimonials | About Us | Contact Us |
  4. Hi there, My name is Lee Johnson and I own a company called ZealHost that is based in the UK. ZealHost offers web hosting that does not empty your wallet but offers more than you would expect at the price. ZealHost began of a one man's endless search for a good company to host his personal websites. After changing hosts many times he realised how frustrating it was to find a decent webhost.ZealHost was born out of that realisation - and now tries to epitomise everything a webhost should be. The clients grew and so did the staff, however ZealHost still has the strong backbone and belief it has had since the beginning. Big companies now offer unlimited hosting, but don't be fooled by this, unlimited is impossible in computer resources (Disk space + Bandwidth) and they only oversell their servers. Unlimited is a marketing term to grab people's attention which equals more money but at a cost to you when your performance drops. Unlimited attracts customers who use their services for download mirrors/video audio streaming and other high resource users and the person who ends up suffering in the end is you. Here at ZealHost we have passion for hosting and we are committed to bring you quality over quantity, as we do not oversell our servers. Most packages include unlimited features and additional disk space and bandwidth is available if needed. All accounts are automatically set-up from any location you choose. We also don't forget about our existing customers. Most companies give special discounts to new customers only whilst leaving their loyal customers in the dark. ZealHost has its own unique affiliate system. This enables you to give friends/family a referral link. Once clicked it will place a cookie on their machine and if they come back within 90 days you get 10% commission of whatever they pay of duration of their account Below are our available packages for our hosting services. BOLD Indicates an option not available in the previous package. BASIC PACKAGE 300MB Disk Space 1,024MB Bandwidth (1GB) 3 Active Domains 5 Email Accounts 5 Databases Free Sub-Domain Free Setup Price w/o Discount
  5. That
  6. Hi there, My name is Lee Johnson and I own a company called ZealHost that is based in the UK. ZealHost offers web hosting that does not empty your wallet but offers more than you would expect at the price. ZealHost was born of one man's endless search for a good company to host his websites. After changing hosts many times he realised how frustrating it was to find a decent web host. ZealHost was born out of that realisation - and now tries to epitomise everything a web host should be. Big companies now offer unlimited hosting, but don't be fooled by this, unlimited is impossible in computer resources (Disk space + Bandwidth) and they only oversell their servers. Unlimited is a marketing term to grab people's attention which equals more money but at a cost to you when your performance drops. Unlimited attracts customers who use their services for download mirrors/video audio streaming and other high resource users and the person who ends up suffering in the end is you. Here at ZealHost we offer hosting solutions for FREE! And we are committed to bring you quality over quantity as we do not oversell our servers which many are located across the globe. All packages include unlimited features and additional disk space and bandwidth is available if needed. All accounts are automatically set-up from any location you choose. We also don't forget about our existing customers. Most companies give special discounts to new customers only whilst leaving their loyal customers in the dark. ZealHost has its own unique affiliate system. This enables you to give friends/family a referral link. Once clicked it will place a cookie on their machine and if they become a customer within 90 days you get 10% commission of whatever they buy to go towards your next bill! FREE PACKAGE 100MB Disk Space 400MB Bandwidth Unlimited Features (Same as our paid packages) Free Sub-Domain Price – FREE! || Order || STARTER PACKAGE 500MB Disk Space 1024MB Bandwidth (1GB) Free Sub-Domain Unlimited Features (See below) Price -
  7. This applies everywhere, even here. LOL
  8. Lool actually first time I have seen this - Yeah and your gay!

  9. "I start as a robot and turn into a truck, when I turn back my trailer is gone, WHAT THE &*%&" hahaha epic video
  10. Dominator


    Correct duality. I would like to know if there is software or a code/programming out there that will generate information from a database or the results entered in a text box that will put that information onto a blank canvas (picture). This will then generate a PNG picture with all the information entered that someone could save. The above process will be PBBans use to generate its signatures with information pulled out of the database from your account.
  11. Dominator smells.

  12. Dominator


    What program, software or coding is used so that PNG's are filled in with information on a blank canvas? Like you use here for PBBans sigs. If there is a guide, software, coding can you point me in the right direction. And yes I can use MYSQL and have full phpadmin access. Or even a textbox that when you click submit it will produce the signature with the details entered Thank you
  13. Best thing mate - click appeal this ban on that link on the page and explain the situation.
  14. Peel script :lol: i used that once before but with the flash from my header it made site load abit slow :P
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