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Everything posted by Squealer

  1. I lol'd! damn props...
  2. EvenBalance staff need time to process the trouble tickets too. Bumping a ticket will send it back to the end of the queue. If they've submitted a ticket, then all they can do now is wait.
  3. Here's a really, really crappy one. Put it on an apache server and put the xml files you download in the same folder. See the magic happen. parser.zip
  4. I thought you knew better then this

  5. http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_to_html.asp
  6. Either that, or you create an xsl file which you link to the xml file.
  7. The purpose of an XML file is solely to easily pass on data from one site to another (part of the) site.
  8. Yes Doesn't matter. I'd suggest to create a new directory somewhere and put it in there, since it does create some new files in the directory it's in (like PB's end user license agreement). Execute pbucon.exe downloaded from EB :P myaddress ip is your external ip, the port is a port on your router which is forwarded to your pc (unless you're directly connected to the internet) login and password to match the same as on the server, where hostmask equals the myaddress: pb_sv_uconadd [profile_type] [hostmask] [username] [password] :D ---- damn edits xD
  9. He wants to use PBUCON himself, not the PBBans connection. Why don't you try to start off with reading EvenBalance's tutorial on PBUCON located here? http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbucon.php
  10. CoD4 I assume? Say his ign is ^6Blacky, then he'd show up on the scoreboard as Blacky, but in the greeting messages from PBBans as Blacky. There's nothing to do against this, except for him changing his name.
  11. This is how PBBans works, server admins choose to use the PBBans services. If you dislike it, play on non-PBB streaming servers. ktnxbai.
  12. Irrelevant of who cheated, that GUID was caught and therefore banned. I see that an appeal was filed already and denied, so I think the ban is going to stay on the MBi, permanently. Oh, and the staff are only humans too, they aren't here 24/7 waiting for someone to post ;p
  13. Unnecessary Thread Revival, alsof je een dode ezel lasten wil laten dragen
  14. DNS issues indeed. plus this problem was resolved over a week ago...
  15. Richard, we are unable to view your hard drive disk. Try uploading it using the attachment system located below the box where you typ your post. :)
  16. Wait for him to get back to take new screenshots. There is nothing you can do with evidence from the period of the shipping, I'm afraid.
  17. Squealer


    those are the last 4 chars of your GUID, the violation is noted elsewhere in the same line of text.
  18. It's still in the sandbox mode, but only addons which can help the majority of the internet can go public :(
  19. http://kotaku.com/5332780/modern-warfare-2...0-cent-and-more Damn!
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