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R1- FinePoints

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Everything posted by R1- FinePoints

  1. Here are my blazing speeds!!!!!
  2. wow back to the cage he goes lol
  3. I am confused? :huh:
  4. All I can say is lol at these I got "I am a strong doughnut who loves to reward sandwiches." - Um wtf? lol
  5. Thanks Stuart! Now go out and hunt for some more! Help keep them nasty cheaters out of our games!
  6. I have yet to test this with Call of Duty 5 I used to use this with the other Call of Duty games. In your multilayer shortcut properties add the following in the target line after "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe" +password password +rcon login password +connect ***.***.***.***:***** That added line SHOULD connect you to the server entered using the private slot password and have you all ready logged in to rcon in that server.
  7. LOL Nice one! Arr evilzombie I should of never click your link there now its stuck in my head. :doomed:
  8. I do quite understand what you are saying. If you are saying how do you get the messages in your server its easy. Eather put the lines above in your pbsv.cfg or make a new *name*.cfg and exec that cfg from the pbsv.cfg This is what the exec line should look like in your pbsv.cfg pb_sv_load *name*.cfg ""Replacing *name* with whatever the config name you made."
  9. Yeah if you want to change the damage you must use a MOD that has such features. AWE4 and TRM would be one that has such features. CLICK HERE to download AWE4 CLICK HERE to download TRM
  10. You are correct, your scheduled task will always continue as long as PunkBuster is active on your server. It will just continue to loop your message unless you tell it to do it only once which you would replace the 150 with -1.
  11. First off you do not need the pb_sv_TaskDel command. pb_sv_taskempty will do that as well but all tasks. This is how I would do it...
  12. Is your computer directly connected to your modem and or router via CAT5? Or are you on a wireless network. If you are going wireless make sure you are getting a strong signal. Also if you happen to have any wireless phones around try to move them or any other wireless devices. Also trying doing a power cycle on your modem and router. Disconnect them from the power source and wait about three min. Then go ahead and plug it in. Also check and make sure you have no virues or spyware on your computer. Then also do some cleanup on your computer. Run a disk cleanup and do a defrag. You should check to make sure that your firewall or antivirus or any other security type applications running in the background are not blocking punkbusters functions. Hope all goes well! FinePoints
  13. You will have to become a streaming admin with PBBans. Go HERE to sign up to be a streaming game admin. If this is happening on another server than your own there is not much you can do. You must submit your evidence to the admin of the server, and if he or she is a streaming game admin here he or she will be able to get the cheater banned.
  14. The server is probably running stock cvar checks. You should be good if you bring that back to default. Before joining the server in console type type by hitting the ~ key /cg_hudDamageIconHeight 64 then hit enter /hudDamageIconWidth 128 then hit enter
  15. 1.0? Looks like you need to do some updating there! Its currently 1.5.
  16. Have you updated your server? This error was fixed with the 1.4 update.
  17. Set these values to the following. set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay 1 set scr_dm_waverespawndelay 1 Anything lower than 0 if I remember right will do the 10seconds.
  18. Congrats Dude!
  19. Yup SS are clean. Hahahaha agreed.
  20. Okay what you need to do is just take the COD4 folder and make multiple copy's of it. Then if you look back at my first post to you you ether have to have multiple IP on the server and change the IP or if you only have one you change the net_port to something else.
  21. Could you please add in the compete error that appears.
  22. Nice one there i'll have to save that for some other time it may be needed.
  23. Hmm now you have me confused. To me by what that is saying just says you have the iw_12.iwd in there. I must not be reading something right. :blink: :blink: 4. Inside the main folder I have the following files: iw_12.iwd, server.cfg (and any other server config you are running)
  24. I myself have never seen this dont know what to say about it.
  25. Hey return to Crazy56 and try out his idea but not installing the whole game. Start at step 2. If that works let me know. Otherwise what you said should work but id just zip of my cod4 folder that you have installed on your computer and just remove the custom stuff from the zip to make it as small as possible. Also is the box one of your own or are you renting it somewhere? If your renting have you contacted the host to see if they could install a copy of cod4 on your server? That's what I end up doing because my servers were rented.
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