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Live last won the day on August 27 2010

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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. Yepper, things are constantly popping up and interfering with the fun!!! :(

  2. Long time no see. :)

  3. Surfy, I have to agree with you 100%. There's still an underlying issue though with the frostbite engine and the setup for BC2 though that has an effect that has nothing to do with the end user. It lies somewhere in between and has been talked about in the BC2 forums by DICE themselves on occassion. Butt, I hear ya and I loved BF2 as well and got into it late which is/was a shame. I really do hope that BF3 is the updated BF2 that we're all hoping for but I've chosen to be the negative turd this time around so I'm not getting let down. :rolleyes: On a happier note, it was awesome to run into you on your server and start seeing and chatting with friends again. Got a resounding notion in the back of my mind to start up a non-profit GSP (community without being a clan) and being able to host everything from most games to most voips in locations all around the world. I miss helping peeps out but I don't want to work for some company that don't care (which is more than do care) and don't want to run another for profit company and tie myself down. This has been something that I was going to do with LPGS originally. Hoping something along this line would help out a great many plus communities like this. I'll bring this up in it's own thread though so as to not derail this one.
  4. Thanks, been awhile I know! :) Your part of a very exclusive group. I almost never had lag as a provider nor as a player until the mid 20's server patch and it went gangbuster from there for all providers from the correspondence between everyone. Sadly I already envision the massive failure BF3 since so many are talking it up (DICE and EA included) just the same as BC2 went. Not six months ago the majority on these forums were outright bashing BC2 left and right. Amazing what short memory quite a few have. Again, you may have been one of the lucky ones but I know as your previous provider that some within your group had issues and big ones at that. I rarely had issues until around July/August of 2010 and things quickly went sour from there for myself personally. I have a great rig, great ISP, and of course, great servers at the time but still managed to lag like mad. :scratchchin: I just hope those of you who are hyping this up don't get yourself too involved in the propaganda and find this to be another let down.
  5. Same engine as BC2 and MOH = lag, lag, lag Homefront made promises as well (dedicated servers released around 2 weeks after the game launch) = well beyond that and no sign of them yet Black Ops made promises about dedicated servers and pulled the wool over everyone's eyes with their shenanigans. MW2 pulled the wool over everyone's eyes as well. Point is, they all lie and love that each and everyone of us post, rant, or basically advertise their overpriced smut for free on their behalf. I won't buy the bullshit that is being fed on a silver spoon by these hypocrites anymore. :o
  6. So report them to those who can or will do something about it. Already been stated that nothing will happen here, no sense in arguing that fact.
  7. Thanks and I'm sure if they're given sometime they'll get everything in order soon enough. :)
  8. It is a shame bud and I apologize that things went this way. I never wanted to see anything go sour and I really am disheartened. I've since fixed all TS3 issues and those should hopefully be all over with now. Good luck to you and your guys and your future endeavors my friend.
  9. I jumped on TS with the LPGS guys Drifter and have fixed that all up so you should be back in business now. I'll also be asking if I can look into your TF2 server and see if I can lend a helping hand as well. Hopefully I'll be able to help get you all squared away as well as others. Well it looks like more issues were caused after the fact again. I'll be back to work on this yet again...
  10. They certainly have a few good screwups happening right now. I fixed the Atlanta TS3 issue for them this morning after a botched license change. Germany is still down and waiting on Teamspeak/Triton for a solution to that problem. Good reason why I always had backups and backups of backups. You should be rocking and rolling hopefully yet today though well likely tomorrow morning in your time zone.
  11. Trevor is but James isn't. I don't know how much longer Trevor will be though.
  12. I'm here to post this since I've asked the Staff of PBBANS to remove my old threads in relation to LPGS. Some things aren't nearly as smooth or what I expected and as such I didn't want anyone to believe that I still owned it or have any responsibility in regards to the company. Basically family life was the biggest concern for our sale and I have lost enough valuable time with my family and neglected them to a great extent to ensure the best customer satisfaction possible. There are several long stories associated with these events but I'll save that autobiography from boring anyone to death ;) I wish you all the best that are there currently and I do truly hope things maintain as they were or get better than when I was running the show for you. Sadly I've witnessed some things already that lead to doubts on my part for that but I do think the effort will be made on their part to see fit that customers are still the number one concern hopefully. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything. I'll have a fair bit more time to be useful in the Anti Cheat/Server Admin fields once again. Thanks to all the customers past, present, and future for such an outstanding experience and your support. The word of mouth advertising from individuals/clans/etc. was absolutely overwhelming. I can't thank you enough for allowing me the opportunity to serve you for a short time and for you to experience what I believe all hosts should provide whether it's game, voice, dedicated servers, website hosting, etc. Thanks, Andy/Live^
  13. +1
  14. You could also rent your server from one of many different providers who offer free website hosting along with the server rental ;) I happen to know of one in particular :scratchchin:
  15. Hoping Black Ops but that won't happen :rolleyes:
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