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Posts posted by Live

  1. Surfy, I have to agree with you 100%. There's still an underlying issue though with the frostbite engine and the setup for BC2 though that has an effect that has nothing to do with the end user. It lies somewhere in between and has been talked about in the BC2 forums by DICE themselves on occassion.



    Butt, I hear ya and I loved BF2 as well and got into it late which is/was a shame. I really do hope that BF3 is the updated BF2 that we're all hoping for but I've chosen to be the negative turd this time around so I'm not getting let down. :rolleyes: On a happier note, it was awesome to run into you on your server and start seeing and chatting with friends again.



    Got a resounding notion in the back of my mind to start up a non-profit GSP (community without being a clan) and being able to host everything from most games to most voips in locations all around the world. I miss helping peeps out but I don't want to work for some company that don't care (which is more than do care) and don't want to run another for profit company and tie myself down. This has been something that I was going to do with LPGS originally. Hoping something along this line would help out a great many plus communities like this. I'll bring this up in it's own thread though so as to not derail this one.







  2. Welcome back, Live. :)



    Thanks, been awhile I know! :)


    I never had any lag in BC2 so...



    Your part of a very exclusive group. I almost never had lag as a provider nor as a player until the mid 20's server patch and it went gangbuster from there for all providers from the correspondence between everyone. Sadly I already envision the massive failure BF3 since so many are talking it up (DICE and EA included) just the same as BC2 went. Not six months ago the majority on these forums were outright bashing BC2 left and right. Amazing what short memory quite a few have. :eek:



    My experiences with lag were few and far between and those were mostly due to my own ISP



    Again, you may have been one of the lucky ones but I know as your previous provider that some within your group had issues and big ones at that. I rarely had issues until around July/August of 2010 and things quickly went sour from there for myself personally. I have a great rig, great ISP, and of course, great servers at the time but still managed to lag like mad. :scratchchin: I just hope those of you who are hyping this up don't get yourself too involved in the propaganda and find this to be another let down.

  3. Same engine as BC2 and MOH = lag, lag, lag


    Homefront made promises as well (dedicated servers released around 2 weeks after the game launch) = well beyond that and no sign of them yet


    Black Ops made promises about dedicated servers and pulled the wool over everyone's eyes with their shenanigans.


    MW2 pulled the wool over everyone's eyes as well.




    Point is, they all lie and love that each and everyone of us post, rant, or basically advertise their overpriced smut for free on their behalf. I won't buy the bullshit that is being fed on a silver spoon by these hypocrites anymore. :o

    • Upvote 2
  4. Ok the caps are maybe a bit much ?? But that is sidestepping the issue here


    Stat padding is an illegal form of gaining points and ranking up EA have already stated that they are actively looking at such servers and will ban player accounts if known to use this method of gaming Getting kills using aimbots or chams is obviously on another level as it makes the game unfair on other players (and there is nothing better than owning a hacker then watching him call u a cheat lol )

    but leveling up without actually doing anything brings benefits that take some players months to get and they can acheive in days, there are guys just sitting in helicopters , tanks and planes just to get hours they need for a 3 star general, cmon guys its not a witch hunt its keeping the game on an even keel for all players!! this is the reason alot of games like this are dyeing on there butt...........



    So report them to those who can or will do something about it. Already been stated that nothing will happen here, no sense in arguing that fact.

  5. sorry for the interruption :P but I think LPGS was the best provider out there in such short amount of time! Means alot of hard work was put into it and it shows.



    I hope the people who are running it now take good care of it, like Andy did.




    Thanks and I'm sure if they're given sometime they'll get everything in order soon enough. :)

  6. Live, I appreciate the effort, I really do. Seems they took offense to my concerns since none of the servers work now except TF2. Removed all payment info from there and purchased a dedicated with a different provider. Just as I expected it to be as I told you in our parting chats.... Its a damn shame. dry.gif



    It is a shame bud and I apologize that things went this way. I never wanted to see anything go sour and I really am disheartened. I've since fixed all TS3 issues and those should hopefully be all over with now. Good luck to you and your guys and your future endeavors my friend.

  7. That may be but ours is American and is down still after a very long wait. Added to the ticket again and did not restart the server.


    I have to offer my opinion as you know I would; I am a patient man to a point but when equipment and services do not work I lose that patience very fast. There is very little support now, never anyone in live chat, and very lengthy times waiting on a ticket response. Currently for me there is nothing setting LPGS apart from anyone else. Server payment on all servers will be due within 4 days; the amount is very close to a dedicated server from another provider that will meet the statistics of our best server at this point. Things are still not right with our TF2 server crashing often; every plugin was removed and a complete reinstall done on more than 1 occasion. We procured a second server from an outside source to determine if it was game / Steam related. It is the server. The second server has 100% uptime over 3 weeks with more slots.


    I have to say that I expected that this would happen after the sale. I am also man enough to give LPGS a chance to set things right. If not then they will be replaced by someone who can get the job done in a timely manner AND correctly. Sorry Trevor as it isn't personal but pushing 70 - 80 hours a week at work myself I need to rely on those that can resolve the issues in a timely manner.



    I jumped on TS with the LPGS guys Drifter and have fixed that all up so you should be back in business now. I'll also be asking if I can look into your TF2 server and see if I can lend a helping hand as well. Hopefully I'll be able to help get you all squared away as well as others.


    Well it looks like more issues were caused after the fact again. I'll be back to work on this yet again...

  8. Thank god it still was Trevor who answered to my support ticket today :lol:



    They certainly have a few good screwups happening right now. I fixed the Atlanta TS3 issue for them this morning after a botched license change. Germany is still down and waiting on Teamspeak/Triton for a solution to that problem. Good reason why I always had backups and backups of backups. You should be rocking and rolling hopefully yet today though well likely tomorrow morning in your time zone.

  9. I'm here to post this since I've asked the Staff of PBBANS to remove my old threads in relation to LPGS. Some things aren't nearly as smooth or what I expected and as such I didn't want anyone to believe that I still owned it or have any responsibility in regards to the company.


    Basically family life was the biggest concern for our sale and I have lost enough valuable time with my family and neglected them to a great extent to ensure the best customer satisfaction possible. There are several long stories associated with these events but I'll save that autobiography from boring anyone to death ;)


    I wish you all the best that are there currently and I do truly hope things maintain as they were or get better than when I was running the show for you. Sadly I've witnessed some things already that lead to doubts on my part for that but I do think the effort will be made on their part to see fit that customers are still the number one concern hopefully. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything. I'll have a fair bit more time to be useful in the Anti Cheat/Server Admin fields once again.


    Thanks to all the customers past, present, and future for such an outstanding experience and your support. The word of mouth advertising from individuals/clans/etc. was absolutely overwhelming. I can't thank you enough for allowing me the opportunity to serve you for a short time and for you to experience what I believe all hosts should provide whether it's game, voice, dedicated servers, website hosting, etc.






  10. My Wife will hang me if I get another server, with 2 BC2 servers already, but my fellow clanmate and best bud will be ordering one from you Live. We are slowly weeding out all things COD and are gonna give MoH a spin. MoHAA was the game we were founded on, so it's only fitting, if it's going to be decent. Might really surprise us and kick maximum ***.


    Gotcha wrapped around her finger huh? Yeah, sadly I know and experience the same thing... :( Especially when it comes to fishing, hunting, or any other activity besides shopping for a new purse or shoes... :shock: OK, I'm dead now!


    Good to hear that you guys are picking up another bud!

  11. Welp, the only real gripe I had about it was that it was boring as #$@& to play in the beta. The weapons were lifeless and the sound quality sucked. Looks like at least my gripes may be fixed according to the list. If it has PB and PBBans supports it, I will buy it I think. Oh, and need some GSP choices, lol. Although, Live is guaranteed my business anyway. Let's see what happens between now and Oct. I really want to see this game succeed, not fail.


    We definitely have this game to offer! Also, this new beta rocks! Anyone who had second thoughts after the initial beta really needs to wipe the slate clean and check this game out. It has PB, PBBANS will be supporting it, and best of all you can get it cheap as dirt through me without hassle. It won't satisfy those that want a recorder but if you ask me, that's pretty minor considering the crap that Black Ops has become.


    Our pre orders will be gone the day of release and right now you can get up to 24 slots at a whopping $.71 per slot with the coupon code monthly. This isn't a long term commitment to get the pricing so low and we don't have gimmicks or strings attached that it's limited to certain locations only for that price.

  12. We're a ranked BC2 server and won't change that, however, some of our members are getting pretty fed up with all the gustav usage.


    I know BC2 Guardian has an option named Weapon Limiter and I'm sure other available clients may have something similar. I was wondering how that works within the EA ROE for Bad Company 2 and ranked servers.


    Also, what about limiting the number of kits per side or per squad?






    There is a set policy as far as completely removing a kit or a role, etc. However, moderation within reason isn't completely frowned upon such as limiting teams to 4 snipers each. I would believe that limiting gustavs to two per team or something similar wouldn't particularily create a problem but your best to post specifics on EA's forums to get a firm response.

  13. Nothing happened to EA over BC2 now MoH so doubt anything will happen to CoDBO. Ironic the trusted providers of EA are now left in the cold for CoDBO.


    Bottom line is trusted providers are only used to protect stats and control DLC. Nothing to do with security. Hell BC2 server files got leaked with debug info which greatly helped hackers reverse engineer the game. CoDBO files will be leaked eventually.



    There is a drastic difference there though MaydaX. There are quite a few providers for both BC2 and the upcoming MOH. This at least offers some choice and creates competition which is exactly what a monopoly destroys.


    Either way, now that GS has hit their gold mine with Activision, I'd like to see EA kick them to the curb and let the rest of the industry pick it up at the least and form our niche.


    I've spoken with a couple providers that are very serious about the monopoly or antitrust factors that have displayed. We have several meetings and interactions with attorneys and one former Chairman of the FTC tomorrow. I was pleasantly surprised by the eagerness of some of my fellow competitors to band together and form this consortium of sorts. Only time will tell if we're dreaming by taking on multi-million dollar companies in a court case.

  14. Please forward your Antitrust/Monopoly statements to [email protected]

    Good source of information on the Sherman Antitrust Act


    I also believe that this is in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act but that is only civil whereas the Sherman Antitrust Act would make it a criminal complaint and force the Government's involvement.


    The more of you that pass this along to clan members, friends, family, etc. the better the chances that things get looked into.

  15. Trusted providers crap is getting old. If M$ did it, people would cry Anti-Trust but it's OK when EA or Activision does it. Nothing left to PC gaming but greedy corps and huge gsps who are more worried about money then to stand up for what's right. The publishers are screwed without the gsps but the select few that get trusted provider status see it as less competition so they won't say no.


    I've truely had enough of ranked and trusted provider shit end of story. I truely hope smaller gsps launch an anti-trust suit in the future.


    Here is the email address to send one off and fight for this. [email protected]


    I do believe it violates the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act.


    Awefully funny that you should mention that MaydaX as that is exactly the complaint I forwarded to the DOJ this morning and I've planted the seed amongst a number of providers to start a consortium amongst us to retain counsel collectively and have this reversed. This is a clear cut case of a monopoly as only one company has the ability to offer this across not only multiple States but it is a world wide pandimonium as well.


    However, in the end, all those that stated they wouldn't support mw2...look what they did. I sincerely doubt I'll be able to get anywhere and if there isn't enough interest to seriously pursue this interest from other Providers whether they are small or large (I doubt many of us will get along long enough to determine who is going to shell out what...) then I'll be dropping it at the end of next week. I'm willing to put $5,000 in the kitty to retain counsel and seek a legal injunction. I wonder how much that would impact this if it were able to suspend the PC market release based on that. :eek:




    Guess I should sign up for lessons at the local ju/co...Be careful of what you wish for? :o


    I guess the news is still fresh, and needs some sorting, but looks like there may have been a monkey wrench thrown into the works with last nights MP "event".


    Was kind of confused with the early report that GameServers.com would be the only GSP allowed to host the game. Did you hear anything from Activision reguarding LPGS hosting? Pretty confusing stuff.


    The only thing I can say right now is that we've been in contact with Activision and will be again next week. I'll have something concrete next week by the sounds of things.

  17. If theres no demo recorder, I'll probably close up shop and take up nitting.


    Almost has me hoping... :lol:




    CoD4/CoD:WaW demos are in first person and with 3rd party tools/correct console commands, many more features can be utilized


    The nice thing is that the recording is available in game and able to net bans from them. I really hope this version offers the full gambit. :blink:

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