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Everything posted by Live

  1. You know what they say about those who brag right? :scratchchin:
  2. The server patch itself won't do that but that will be accomplished soon though. ;)
  3. So you have the BC2 files? If so, that's a big no no to begin with even though I believe they should be given out or at least some portion of it to allow for mods/maps/addons/etc.
  4. Simple answer, check your game folder client side and see if you find a file named pbss.dll...answer will be no. He cheated and will remained banned.
  5. Hacker! :lol:
  6. Sadly it's no different here in the US. :scratchchin:
  7. Give us a shot. We've got servers in Germany and many are quite happy with them and streaming here as well. ;) You also won't ever hear us stating that streaming, scripts, or other non-sense causes poor performance.
  8. I couldn't agree more as well. :)
  9. This is a Global change for all RSP's and basically all servers will be Guinea Pigs at one point. I can't discuss the details nor tell you why but that this isn't something that is limited to Hypernia nor any specific RSP. The issue was solely on EA's backend system as to why your server was not connecting but it might have been an error from a report from Hypernia or simply due to an issue on EA's side. We were all asked to begin testing and implementing these changes on servers. This by and far should transition smoothly for most without many even noticing any issue. I know plenty of RSPs that have converted completely including us and we've all been on the lucky side to have it go without a hitch. Please consider for the larger RSP's though that transitions aren't nearly as easy and manageable as they are for the smaller RSPs.
  10. Encryption and even offering the ability to wipe the drives in some regards still isn't secure. The best security is for those agencies, businesses, etc. that use them for sensitive or personal information is that they should retain the drives period to ensure there is no possible breach. Truly disturbing to see this.
  11. LOL, thanks Pisi!

  12. To setup streaming you'd use the same port that you join the game with, in this case it appears to be 20167
  13. Sorry, some vulgar language if I recall. Sorry, some vulgar language if I recall.
  14. Live

    I need some help

    Probably not.
  15. A group of old TWL Staff started up a league PGL. I don't know the specifics on it as I only visited the site once but a few members of g2 or clan goat Russd3 and Ciph3r are the ones that started that league up. The website is http://www.perspectivegaming.com/forum/ for reference.
  16. The cause of that for quite a few providers is as of yet unknown and there are quite a few providers that have that issue. There are some that haven't experienced either but that is a very small minority. There doesn't seem to any common denominator that is causing or enabling the problem to arise.
  17. The next release contains many things like an updated method for searching and a browser whereas your able to search by region and your providers are able to set the region for the servers. Short answer, this week!
  18. Figured I'd let everyone know that a majority of providers are experiencing issues with the backend connection of Bad Company 2 servers to EA/Dice. There are a few providers not having issues other than the servers crashed for a few minutes. This isn't something that the providers are able to do anything about until the backend has been rebooted or the error corrected. Thankfully this is another issue that hasn't affected the servers I'm running but I do ask you all to remain patient as there isn't much your provider can do when it isn't something that they can control.
  19. Excellent work! MaydaX it's fantastic that your efforts in contacting EA/Dice have been rewarded. We all really appreciate that you went the extra miles to get that accomplished. Can't thank you enough!
  20. That is far too comical. That made my year!
  21. I'll never understand why so many make arguments out of things like it was only to get my rank back that I earned, or in AA I used the red circle since you don't have point of reference with the sniper, etc. They are all hacks and if a person is foolish to use one, they are quite foolish enough to use another. Point being, kick him to the curb as he's a bum.
  22. You most definitely do not want to post or give out your cdkey by including a picture of your manuals.
  23. Nevermind, got confirmation from Pragmatic.
  24. Your advertising AA Honor Servers yet your not a provider? Does Pragmatic know about that? Also, with that pricing your not running the hacked honor mod are you?
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