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Everything posted by SuperTaz

  1. I feel this is what is going to happen with BC2 as well in 2 years.
  2. http://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/20255257106
  3. Crysis, Crysis Wars and Crysis Warhead. Got all three on steam. :)
  4. They must be desperate for people to buy it. lol
  5. I have all 3 Crysis when it was for sale on steam a while back for $19.99. Have not played much on it, but I may down the road. lol
  6. Since you are not part of the SGA group and apparently are not the one who submitted, why worry about it?
  7. They will most likely be ports from now on. It is easier to make a ported game rather than a game that is not ported. All EA sees is $. They could care less what people say what should be done on a certain game. They will not listen. The only real way to hurt EA is to not buy their products. When a lot of people stops buying their products, then they will re-think their strategy and then they will (maybe) listen to the players and communities. That depends on how much they are willing to listen to the customer. Remember, No customers for EA = No money for EA. And with that, their stock prices would plummet and the shareholders would sell their stocks and EA would go into bankruptcy. It's called business. It is a cruel world out there and businesses are always trying to be the best. If they fail, then they pay the price. Here is their share prices as of right now: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=ERTS
  8. I am not buying their games anymore anyways. So, I don't have to worry. :)
  9. If EA/DICE keeps up their crap with server restrictions on these newer games, then they can keep BF3, because I will not buy it. And I am not buying MoH either. As I said before, I will stick with COD4 and COD5.
  10. Your provider would have to do that. Submit a ticket with them.
  11. Sounds like the server has a corrupt file somewhere and not restarting. If you can't see it on the list in-game, then: The patch was not installed correctly Your client side patch was not installed correctly The server is off-line because it was never restarted (Seen this a lot) Your RSP is doing maintenance to the server. Except for client side issues, it seems your provider did not do something right. Who is your provider?
  12. Wednesday Frag Night with DICE http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2010/07/26/wednesday-frag-night-with-dice.aspx##
  13. It will be similar to Medal of Honor where you can have the game choose a server for you or you can choose through a server list. Yes, MP will have dedicated servers.
  14. First, you need to apply for a Streaming Game Admin account here: http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html If you get approved, you will then add the server to your team account here: http://account.pbbans.com/server.php Then, you can set up your server to stream.
  15. I just downloaded the new 5.32 patch for gamers IRC and then Norton says it is a bad file. I ran a scan through virustotal.com and was amazed. Take a look: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/e1fbffbfe323546f08904ca3a486b01cc85700c685165753b576fc22f956f9ff-1280236266
  16. The game is looking better already. :)
  17. There are many dedicated server hosting companies out there. The only advice I would give is if you have a clan, make sure you get a server that is close enough to your clan mates so they do not lag as much. For example, if you have some clan members in CA and some in NY, then get a server in Chicago or St. Louis, where it is in the middle. This will help with some lag problems. Since we have a bunch on RSP's here, hopefully they will respond to help you out.
  18. If you are new to streaming, then use the automated hub setup tool here: http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html And also, try RCON port 4711, not 4712.
  19. Good Game interviewing Treyarch about Call of Duty: Black Ops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qxG8LmquCM Also, here is an update for COD:BO: http://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/18946905657
  20. I know this post is from back in April '09, but... http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/227219.page
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